
June 2018 Coding Bootcamp Podcast

Imogen Crispe

Written By Imogen Crispe

Last updated February 16, 2021

Course Report strives to create the most trust-worthy content about coding bootcamps. Read more about Course Report’s Editorial Policy and How We Make Money.


In the coding bootcamp industry in June 2018 the biggest trend we saw was coding bootcamps funneling grads into apprenticeships! We also saw two big fundraises by bootcamp-adjacent organizations, we heard about some interesting new legislation which could change how online bootcamps operate, and some bootcamp alumni launched exciting new careers. We also look at the effect bootcamps are having on tech industries in areas around the world, which bootcamps are offering scholarships to help women and underrepresented groups launch tech careers, and partnerships bootcamps are forming with big companies like Facebook. Read the blog post or listen to the podcast!



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Our Favorite Pieces

Imogen Crispe

  • I really enjoyed shooting and editing a video interview with General Assembly graduate Ileana Ordonez. Liz and I loved hearing Ileana’s amazing story of learning to code, and why spending that time and money on coding bootcamp was worth it. She told us how learning to code landed her a job with the NYC Department of Education, and her salary is now 4 times more than before bootcamp!

Liz Eggleston

  • Liz delved further into the question “are coding bootcamps worth it,” and put together (with Lauren’s help) a piece that fully answers this question with data, alumni perspectives, videos, and advice on how to get the most out of coding bootcamp!

Lauren Stewart

  • Lauren was intrigued by Neha Gupta, a South Bay Hackbright Academy grad who was a doctor in naturopathic medicine before realizing she wanted a career that enabled her to solve more varied problems each day. She had family and friends who worked as engineers in the tech industry who supported her transition into tech.


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Imogen Crispe

Written by

Imogen Crispe, Content Creator and Entrepreneur

Imogen is a writer and content producer who loves exploring technology and education in her work. Her strong background in journalism, writing for newspapers and news websites, makes her a contributor with professionalism and integrity.

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