
Academia Hack

Average Rating5.0
13 Reviews
1 Course

Academia Hack is a full-time, 16-week full-stack coding bootcamp in Caracas, Venezuela. With a hands-on, challenge-oriented approach, Academia Hack is a place where dedication, innovation, and creativity come together. Students will have the opportunity to learn from mentors and complete technical challenges. The curriculum at Academia Hack is not based on a specific technology stack but covers a range of topics so that students can learn how to tackle new technologies quickly and in any setting. Students will learn Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

To apply, prospective students can fill out an online form and there is no coding experience required. 

In the final month of the course, students build real-life projects to demonstrate their skills to future employers. Students also take part in speed dating-style interviews with prospective employers.

13 Academia Hack Reviews

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  • Antonio Franceskin
    Analista Programador • Student • Bootcamp de Desarrollo Web • Caracas
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Aug 31, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Analista Programador

    La  academia  HACK me  ayudo a reinventarme,   mentores con excelente vocación de enseñanza.
    EXITO  HACK siempre  los tendre en mi corazón.
  • Alejandro Maimus
    Alejandro Maimus
    Web Developer • Graduate • Bootcamp de Desarrollo Web • Caracas
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 30, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A valuable experience

    I studied at the Academia Hack in August of 2017.
    My expectations were to learn a programming language that would help me make web pages, but I acquired much more than that.

    I met a group of people who live from taking the ideas of a client to a code, and I realized, compared to what I had imagined, how easy it is to program. Of course, it took a lot of work, but the way I learned in this Academy made me realize that it requires dedication, but it is not a difficult task.

  • Jaseb Meza
    Jaseb Meza
    Web Developer • Graduate • Bootcamp de Desarrollo Web • Caracas
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 29, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Academia Hack

    This is an excelente bootcamp it touches the básicos of programming and basically got everything you need if you're looking to learn from the beginning
  • Hosward Villoria
    Ruby on Rails Developer. • Graduate • Caracas
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 21, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Hack, Una academia con verdadera educación

    Estaba en el octavo semestre de ingeniería con bastantes dudas acerca de mi futuro, pensaba bastante acerca de retirarme debido que senti que mi educación en la universidad fue bastante precaria. Hack basicamente me ayudo a insertarme en el mercado y hacer garantía de lo que mi titulo universitario representa.

    La academia tiene mucho acercamiento por parte de los mentores, eso genera que como estudiante te sientas motivado y ademas con apoyo para seguir afrontando este reto. 

  • Edkaryd Jiménez
    Edkaryd Jiménez
    Desarrolladora backend • Graduate • Caracas
    Verified by GitHub
    Mar 11, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Es una experiencia única

    Conocí Hack por un compañero de la universidad. Estábamos teniendo una conversación en la que le comentaba estando en el último semestre de la carrera (Ingeniería Informática), y después de haber estudiado tantas materias técnicas y teóricas no me sentía preparada para el mundo laboral, porque mucho de lo que pedían las empresas era desconocido para mi.

    Este compañero habló sobre Hack, me explicó que era un bootcamp, que era bastante demandante y que exigía un sobre esfuerzo porq...

  • Oswaldo Gomez
    Oswaldo Gomez
    Full stack Ruby on Rails - Javascript developer • Graduate • Caracas
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 01, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Mi opinión acerca de Academia Hack

    Antes de hacer el bootcamp de Academia Hack me gradué de ingeniero mecánico de la Universidad Simón Bolívar y trabajaba como analista de esfuerzo en sistemas de tuberías de plantas petroleras.

    Sentía que no me gustaba lo que hacía y necesitaba cambiar.

    Un amigo me comentó del bootcamp de Academia Hack. Me dijo que era un curso intensivo en el que salía preparado para el mercado laboral. Me comentó acerca del horario, que cursar el bootcamp requiere dedicación exclusiva,...

  • Bryan Kummer
    Bryan Kummer
    Student • Student • Bootcamp de Desarrollo Web • Caracas
    Jul 05, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Yes, I upgraded my School grade since I have no option

    I was struggling to strike a balance between pursuing my dancing career and my academic obligations. Due to my heavy practice and competition schedule, I received poor marks. The truth is, I don't have the best academic skills. I knew I needed to do well in school to receive a scholarship to the institution I wanted, but it was nearly impossible. I arrived at an option to hire a hacker to modify my scores because most of us slack off in class. As suggested by a friend, I used MACIO SPY T...
  • Ravi Kumar
    Ravi Kumar
    Dec 03, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Extremely satisfied

    It's amazing experience to learn with simplilearn interactive live classes caters every need during this pandemic which we need we while learning 😇 
  • Manuel Rodrigues
    Manuel Rodrigues
    Graduate • Caracas
    Jul 01, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    El mejor bootcamp de programación

    Academia Hack fue para mi mas que un bootcamp. Una familia creada por mis compañeros de curso, y mis mentores, en donde día día se aprendían una cantidad impresionante de cosas, y donde nos poníamos a prueba con los retos diaros dados por los mentores.

  • Ricardo Israeliantz
    Ricardo Israeliantz
    Graduate • Bootcamp de Desarrollo Web • Caracas
    Jun 30, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Fue una gran experiencia!

    Me brindaron herramientas en conocimiento y practicas de programación web, empezando por los lenguajes HTML, CCS Ruby y Javascript, y terminando por Ruby on Rails, la libreria de Bootstrap, React, metodologías ágiles SCRUM y variedad de proyectos para poner en practica lo aprendido.

    Me gusto mucho como día a día trabajamos en equipo y fuimos construyendo una pequeña familia con mis compañeros y mentores. Tienen gran cuidado y atención de nosotros, me apoyaron hasta el final y viv...

  • Victor Padula
    Victor Padula
    Graduate • Caracas
    Apr 24, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    La mejor experiencia que uno puede pedir. Los mejores mentores, contenido actualizado, la mejor atencion.

    Sin duda el mejor curso para aprender a programar, ademas de conocer a una gente maravillosa. 

  • Mariaelisa Rodrigues
    Mariaelisa Rodrigues
    Ingeniero en informática • Graduate • Caracas
    Mar 09, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Excelente experiencia

    Mi historia comienza justo al finalizar la carrera de ingeniería en informática. cuando me pregunté ¿y ahora qué?

    Sentí que tenía un vacío de conocimientos en el área de desarrollo web. Y en mi búsqueda de un curso que reforzara mis conocimientos me encuentro con el testimonio de un amigo que estaba haciendo un bootcamp en la Academia Hack.

    Me habló sobre su experiencia, me llamó mucho la atención, y decidí inscribirme.

    La verdad para mi fue una experiencia ge...


Academia Hack Alumni Outcomes

Recent Academia Hack News

Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated September 28, 2017
Need a rundown of everything that happened in the coding bootcamp industry this September? You’re in luck! We’ve collected all the most important news in this blog post and podcast. This month, we kept up with the status of the bootcamp industry, learned about how bootcamps are thriving in smaller markets, and explored different ways to pay for bootcamp. Plus, we added 7 new schools from ar...

Academia Hack Alumni Reviews Summary

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Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Academia Hack News

How much does Academia Hack cost?

Academia Hack costs around $760.

What courses does Academia Hack teach?

Academia Hack offers courses like Bootcamp de Desarrollo Web.

Where does Academia Hack have campuses?

Academia Hack has an in-person campus in Caracas.

Is Academia Hack worth it?

Academia Hack hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 13 Academia Hack alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Academia Hack on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Academia Hack legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 13 Academia Hack alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Academia Hack and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Does Academia Hack offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Academia Hack offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Academia Hack reviews?

You can read 13 reviews of Academia Hack on Course Report! Academia Hack alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Academia Hack and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Is Academia Hack accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Academia Hack doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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