Ada Developers Academy is a non-profit organization committed to closing the tech skills gap through free programs that teach coding fundamentals and intensive full-stack software development. Ada empowers adult learners of all backgrounds to start their coding journey, equipping them with the skills to build thriving, successful careers in tech.
Ada Core is an 11-month program teaching full-stack web development. This program is not for beginners; students should understand foundational concepts such as using loops, lists, and dictionaries. Students are in the Ada classroom for six hours a day, five days a week for six months, followed by a five-month paid internship.
The Ada Core curriculum covers Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, as well as the fundamentals of prompting ChatGPT and working with AI-enabled software engineering tools such as Github’s Copilot. Additionally, students have the ability to receive a Project Management certificate through Coursera.
Ada’s Core program aims to admit students who demonstrate a personal investment in inclusion, anti-racism, and social justice. Accepted applicants must also show a passion for application development, learning aptitude, determination, stress-coping skills, and the ability to work well with others.
Admissions at Ada features a unique 3 phase application process which starts with submitting a resume and answering 4-5 short essay questions. It then progresses to a coding challenge. The final step to admission is participation in an in-person or virtual panel interview.
Ada Developers Academy offers free tuition to all students. Students must cover their cost of living during the initial six months, but receive a stipend during the internship phase of the Core program. Students are also required to have a recent MacBook laptop. A limited number of laptops are available to borrow during the classroom portion of the program if obtaining one would be a barrier to participation.
Ada Developers Academy ( ADA ) delivers what it says it does. You will receive a top notch education in programming, computer science fundamentals, and preparation for whiteboard style interviewing. You will not be charged tuition and you will receive a stipend at the end of each month of your internship that is the equivalent of 35 hours a week at $15 an hour. Taxes will not be taken out of your check as your role is that of a contractor. Most of your class will have job offers befo...
Ada Developers Academy ( ADA ) delivers what it says it does. You will receive a top notch education in programming, computer science fundamentals, and preparation for whiteboard style interviewing. You will not be charged tuition and you will receive a stipend at the end of each month of your internship that is the equivalent of 35 hours a week at $15 an hour. Taxes will not be taken out of your check as your role is that of a contractor. Most of your class will have job offers before the cohort ends, but not all, often for reasons not under ADA's ( or the Adies' ) control. You will graduate ready to enter the job market as a junior developer. You will think that you should feel more skilled and experienced once you reach that point but you won't ( what you hope to feel like usually takes 5 years of experience and work to achieve ). You will have a strong network of graduates to lean on and the support of ADA during future job searches and dealing with the challenges that the tech industry brings.
Teaching will usually be spot on, but there will be missteps and errors along the way. You will be doing more independent study than you anticipate. Your instructors ( 2 per 24 students, 1 floating instructor, 1 Jumpstart instructor, a dedicated Computer Science Fundamentals instructor, and an outstanding student counselor ) are supportive, committed to the mission of ADA, and eager for you to succeed, but they are human. Things more very fast and you have to advocate for yourself and your classmates. Sometimes tutoring is available, sometimes not. If you start to fall behind you need to recognize it quickly and get assistance immediately. You may have to go outside of ADA to do that.
You will receive education and training about social justice, including the concerns and challenges of women of color and non-binary individuals. You will be personally be challenged. You will learn things you didn't know about yourself, and didn't necessarily want to know. You will learn that there is difference between ADA and the Adies alumnix. It was the alumnix who made the commitment to "no woman left behind". Students have been expelled from ADA. Not all of us got in on our first try. Some were admitted on their 5th try. There is some Redshirting. You will form some of the strongest friendships of your life, but you won't like everyone. Lateral aggression is minimal, bullying almost non-existent. ADA was worth it, the Adies especially so. But it is hard. The process hurts. It hurts alot. But it was worth it. Eyes open, keep your expectations in check, and it will be amazing. You will be amazing. Apply.
It's hard to imagine where I would be right now if I hadn't been lucky enough to be accepted to and subsequently complete Ada. The year in the program could be brutal, particularly the classroom period, although the internship certainly came with its own challenges too. But the payoff has been huge in so many ways—intellectually (the job I have now is 1000x more interesting and enjoyable to me than any past job I've had, hands down), financially (I make in the low 90s—not a figure I think ...
It's hard to imagine where I would be right now if I hadn't been lucky enough to be accepted to and subsequently complete Ada. The year in the program could be brutal, particularly the classroom period, although the internship certainly came with its own challenges too. But the payoff has been huge in so many ways—intellectually (the job I have now is 1000x more interesting and enjoyable to me than any past job I've had, hands down), financially (I make in the low 90s—not a figure I think I would've ever come close to reaching in my pre-Ada field), and community (the women I met through Ada are some of the smartest, most interesting women I've met and they're a wonderful network to have, both friendship and career-wise). And all of that for $0 tuition, and a chance to get a foot in the door interning with some big names in Seattle tech.
Getting to this point wasn't always smooth sailing, and Ada is an imperfect organization. The staff is very small, while the undertaking of what Ada is trying to do is absolutely enormous and always growing. Things fall through the cracks, and sometimes I think they bite off more than they can chew. They've shown themselves to be open to feedback and the curriculum and program is ever evolving based on that. Sometimes it's amazing to recall just how young the organization is—only about 2.5 years old.
At the end of the day, I would do it all over again without even the slightest bit of hesitation. I can't say the year was exactly "fun" (it had its moments), but it was so, so very worth it. Which is why if you get accepted (acceptance rates have been around 8% but I think they're working on trying to ease that at least a little) and can possibly swing it, DO IT. The year will be hard, draining, and stressful (technologically and emotionally), but you will amaze yourself with the things you learn while changing your life's trajectory utterly and completely.
How much does Ada Developers Academy cost?
Ada Developers Academy costs around $0.
What courses does Ada Developers Academy teach?
Ada Developers Academy offers courses like Ada Core.
Where does Ada Developers Academy have campuses?
Ada Developers Academy has an in-person campus in Seattle.
Is Ada Developers Academy worth it?
Ada Developers Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 5 Ada Developers Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Ada Developers Academy on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Ada Developers Academy legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 5 Ada Developers Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Ada Developers Academy and rate their overall experience a 3.25 out of 5.
Does Ada Developers Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Ada Developers Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Ada Developers Academy reviews?
You can read 5 reviews of Ada Developers Academy on Course Report! Ada Developers Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Ada Developers Academy and rate their overall experience a 3.25 out of 5.
Is Ada Developers Academy accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Ada Developers Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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