Austin Community College Continuing Education offers a part-time, 24-week full-stack coding bootcamp in Austin, TX. Students will learn some of the most in-demand technologies on the market today including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, NodeJS, ExpressJS, and more. By working with experienced and passionate mentors committed to helping students reach their goals, the bootcamp is focused on building valuable connections with developers to accelerate student career growth. Through this program, students will build their portfolio through with classroom projects and execute their career plan. Students will also have access to a variety of experienced industry professionals who will help build programming skills and guide students through career development. Successful candidates who complete the bootcamp are eligible for JavaScript certification.
Enrolling in the ACC Software Bootcamp was a great decision. I learned a huge amount in 6 months, and the insctuctors exceeded my expectations with their commitment to helping students. I gained confidence in my ability to be a software developer.
ACC's continuing education program is a joke. I had been a former Student at ACC's credit program and never had any issues BUT then decided to try to Continuing Education program after I received my Certification in Software Testing from ACC. I graduated the program with a 3.75 GPA.
Be warned about Greg Hervey and the Dream Weaver class. This guy is a totaly SCAMMER. Unlike all the other professors this guy doesn't provide a syllabus or a breakdown for each project.
I too...
ACC's continuing education program is a joke. I had been a former Student at ACC's credit program and never had any issues BUT then decided to try to Continuing Education program after I received my Certification in Software Testing from ACC. I graduated the program with a 3.75 GPA.
Be warned about Greg Hervey and the Dream Weaver class. This guy is a totaly SCAMMER. Unlike all the other professors this guy doesn't provide a syllabus or a breakdown for each project.
I took the Dream Weaver class, turned in all the projects and my websites looked really good. This guy FAILED me because he didin't like the way I wrapped my files in the path he wanted us to upload the final presentaton of all the websites completed. I did 4 COMPLETED websites and uploaded them but because they were not loaded in order he failed me.
This has NOTHING to do with the quality of my webistes which he even commented looked good.
I made a formal complaint with ACC against him and his business because AFTER he failed me he told me I could take the Dream Weaver class over through his personal business at a "discounted" rate...what a loser! Most unprofessional experience I have ever encountered. I complaint up to the Director of the Continuing Education Hector Aguilar and of course they all made excuses and nothing was done. He makes them money plain and simple. I hope in the future more people compain against this guy and he gets fired. He doesn't belong in education.
I also filed a formal complaint against his business with BBB and this goes on his record. Beware of this when you take he class. Marcela Nouzovska even made the comment the students don't like him because he's so anal. You better believe it. There's no room for a perfectionist and petty little man like Greg Hervey. He obviously shouldn't be teaching college students. He needs to find a different line of work.
I was looking for an opportunity to expand my knowledge of coding and took a chance on the ACC Software Development Bootcamp and i'm glad I did, it was a great decision! I've since moved on into a career as a Front End Developer using Node and React, but also have a strong understanding of back end technologies. Highly Recommend this for anyone looking for something similar!
How much does Austin Community College Continuing Education cost?
The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Austin Community College Continuing Education does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!
What courses does Austin Community College Continuing Education teach?
Austin Community College Continuing Education offers courses like Web Software Developer Bootcamp.
Where does Austin Community College Continuing Education have campuses?
Austin Community College Continuing Education has an in-person campus in Austin.
Is Austin Community College Continuing Education worth it?
Austin Community College Continuing Education hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 13 Austin Community College Continuing Education alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Austin Community College Continuing Education on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Austin Community College Continuing Education legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 13 Austin Community College Continuing Education alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Austin Community College Continuing Education and rate their overall experience a 4.54 out of 5.
Does Austin Community College Continuing Education offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Austin Community College Continuing Education offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Austin Community College Continuing Education reviews?
You can read 13 reviews of Austin Community College Continuing Education on Course Report! Austin Community College Continuing Education alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Austin Community College Continuing Education and rate their overall experience a 4.54 out of 5.
Is Austin Community College Continuing Education accredited?
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