Digital Career Institute (DCI) is a 12-month long coding bootcamp based in Germany with campuses in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Leipzig. The courses are fully immersive and cover entry-level basics in stack HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. DCI also specialize in technologies like Angular, Node.js, and Databases. DCI was launched as an initiative to integrate refugees into the growing IT industry. Today it is committed to training anyone who wants to pursue a tech career. In addition to coding languages, students will master best practices on platforms like GitHub. They will learn agile project management and development methodologies like SCRUM.
DCI is intended to help untrained individuals attain digital jobs, and so the application process assumes that candidates have no prior coding experience. The DCI application process begins by filling out an online form. Candidates will then be contacted by education consultants from DCI to discuss further details.
Job placement training is woven into DCI’s program. Career workshops help students prepare an industry-specific resume, create an online presence, and learn techniques that will make them more attractive to potential employers. DCI also sets each graduate up with a 2-month internship in the tech field.
The 12-month course focuses on self-paced learning, project work, and teacher lead discussions and lessons. In addition to standard courses, however, students will also attend specialized sessions led by DCI alumni and top professionals who offer tips to advancing in the field. Students will also partner with a buddy who they’ll meet with at least once a week. Aligned with Digital Career Institute's core belief in helping improve opportunities for refugees, they also provide German and English language courses lead by expert instructors.
Start your career as Java Backend Engineer!
The Java Backend Programming course is targeted at all successful graduates of the Orientation Course as well as people with basic knowledge of digital technologies. However, no prior coding experience is necessary.
Java is one of the most in-demand programming languages for backend and app development. It is widely used in established corporate companies as well as tech giants such as Spotify, Uber, Google, Amazon, and many more.
Our Curriculum Includes:
Java, Spring Framework, SQL, HTML, CSS,
Git, Databases, APIs, Testing, Hosting and Deployment,
Project Management, application training,
and English or German language classes.
Duration: 12 months + 2 months internship
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 16:15
Language Courses, Mentoring, Coaching, Learning Consultation, and a dedicated Career Success Service.
For people who are unemployed, this course can be 100% financed with an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) by the Jobcenter or Agentur für Arbeit.
Become an Online Marketing Expert!
The marketing of products and services via the internet is an essential part of every marketing strategy today and a fixed element in the marketing mix of companies. With our program, we train you to become a creative online marketer, who can develop and implement versatile marketing campaigns.
Our Curriculum Includes:
SEM, SEO, Email Marketing, Display Marketing,
Affiliate Marketing, PR, Social Media Marketing,
Google Analytics with a certificate, CMS, and
WordPress as well as application training and
English or German for marketers.
Duration: 12 months + 2 months internship
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 16:15
Language Courses, Mentoring, Coaching, Learning Consultation, and a dedicated Career Success Service.
For people who are unemployed, this course can be 100% financed with an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) by the Jobcenter or Agentur für Arbeit.
Find the right career for you!
Our four-week orientation course offers you an insight into the job profiles and work of web developers, cloud practitioners, and online marketing managers. You will gain basic knowledge of computer software, networks, IT security, programming and scripting languages, and online marketing channels.
Our alumni and practical experts will report in the course on what it means to work in the digital industry and tech scene and what requirements you need to meet. The Orientation Course combines all DCI courses, which gives you the opportunity to find the right intensive program for you. The course is followed by either our web development or online marketing course.
Duration: 4 weeks - starts every 2 weeks
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 16:15
Extras: Company Tours, Industry Lectures
For people who are unemployed, this course can be 100% financed with an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) by the Jobcenter or Agentur für Arbeit.
Tuition Plans
- German job market and work environment in the digital industry
- Fundamentals of web development (HTML &
- Principles of online marketing (e.g. social media, SEO, SEA)
- AWS Cloud Computing Basics
- Career Coaching
- unemployed or full-time availability
- age 25+
- English or German B1
- basic digital literacy
- living and registered in Germany
Master the art of Python backend development!
Learn how to build powerful web applications and APIs, using the Python and Django ecosystem.
Become a Python Backend Developer, a dynamic and essential field in today’s tech landscape. As a Python Backend Developer, you can show your technical expertise and creativity, by building and maintaining powerful web applications and more.
Our Curriculum Includes:
Python, Django Framework, SQL, HTML, CSS,
Git, Databases, APIs, Testing, Hosting and Deployment,
Project Management, application training,
and English or German language classes.
Duration: 10 months + 2 months internship
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 16:15
Language Courses, Mentoring, Coaching, Learning Consultation, and a dedicated Career Success Service.
For people who are unemployed, this course can be 100% financed with an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) by the Jobcenter or Agentur für Arbeit.
Start your career in Web Development!
The web development course is targeted to all successful graduates of the orientation course as well as people with basic knowledge of digital technologies. Our founders themselves come from the start-up and digital scene and have developed a curriculum together with our lecturers that provide practical programming skills that are in high demand on the job market. The course provides you with comprehensive know-how about software development with web technologies.
Our Curriculum Includes:
HTML, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript (ES
Next), React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB,
Testing, Hosting, and Deployment, Project
Management, application training, and English
or German for programmers.
Duration: 12 months + 2 months internship
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 16:15
Language Courses, Mentoring, Coaching, Learning Consultation, and a dedicated Career Success Service.
For people who are unemployed, this course can be 100% financed with an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) by the Jobcenter or Agentur für Arbeit.
Start your career in Web Development!
The web development course is targeted to all successful graduates of the orientation course as well as people with basic knowledge of digital technologies. With our remote Web Development course, you’ll learn to program dynamic websites and apps for a future-proof job. This part-time course is designed to support your professional goals and give you enough freedom for personal commitments.
Our Curriculum Includes:
HTML, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript (ES
Next), React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB,
Testing, Hosting, and Deployment, Project
Management, application training, and English
or German for programmers.
Duration: 17 months + 2 months internship
Monday - Friday 08:30 - 13:30
Language Courses, Mentoring, Coaching, Learning Consultation, and a dedicated Career Success Service.
For people who are unemployed, this course can be 100% financed with an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) by the Jobcenter or Agentur für Arbeit.
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Graduate • Online Marketing Course • Berlin
Verified by LinkedIn
Jan 12, 2025
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Disappointing experience.
Nearly a year after graduating, few classmates have secured jobs—and, frankly, it’s not surprising.
The teaching quality was poor, with outdated resources that failed to reflect current marketing trends.
It felt like DCI was unwilling to invest in modern tools and essential industry programs, which are crucial in today’s market.
Lessons were often limited to basic slide shows and PowerPoin...
Nearly a year after graduating, few classmates have secured jobs—and, frankly, it’s not surprising.
The teaching quality was poor, with outdated resources that failed to reflect current marketing trends.
It felt like DCI was unwilling to invest in modern tools and essential industry programs, which are crucial in today’s market.
Lessons were often limited to basic slide shows and PowerPoint presentations rather than practical, hands-on learning experiences.
The school seems to have a poor reputation. Unfortunately, I ignored the negative reviews and hoped for something better, which turned out to be a mistake.
The fact that the school is funded by the job center likely explains its lack of quality and commitment to students’ futures.
The day I asked my React teacher a question about the subject he was teaching and saw only confusion and doubt in his eyes, I knew that choosing this school had been a huge mistake. Everything was going “fine” as he read the information he had on his slides/powerpoints. As soon as questions come up, they don't know how to answer, they divert the conversation, they say “later, later” but the later never comes...
I have some Web Dev basics like HTLM and CSS, but I feel sorry for ...
The day I asked my React teacher a question about the subject he was teaching and saw only confusion and doubt in his eyes, I knew that choosing this school had been a huge mistake. Everything was going “fine” as he read the information he had on his slides/powerpoints. As soon as questions come up, they don't know how to answer, they divert the conversation, they say “later, later” but the later never comes...
I have some Web Dev basics like HTLM and CSS, but I feel sorry for my colleagues who have no basics at all and have to go through classes like this. Absolutely unacceptable.
Nuova Speranza, so mein Desktop Hintergrund und DCI Mantra, in Anlehnung an einen meiner fantastischen Lehrer mit biografischer Verbindung nach Sardinien (sentimental bewundernde Grüße an Giaco und Rami, an Gaël, Anton, Nicole, Louisa, Ash, Metin, Albert, ...). Denn genau DAS beschreibt umfassend auf das Maximum reduziert in zwei Worten meine durchgehend/ausnahmslos positive Erfahrung mit diesem auf so vielfältige Weise großartigen Bil...
Nuova Speranza - meine Reise zum Regenbogen.
Nuova Speranza, so mein Desktop Hintergrund und DCI Mantra, in Anlehnung an einen meiner fantastischen Lehrer mit biografischer Verbindung nach Sardinien (sentimental bewundernde Grüße an Giaco und Rami, an Gaël, Anton, Nicole, Louisa, Ash, Metin, Albert, ...). Denn genau DAS beschreibt umfassend auf das Maximum reduziert in zwei Worten meine durchgehend/ausnahmslos positive Erfahrung mit diesem auf so vielfältige Weise großartigen Bildungsträger.
Nuova Speranza.
"Neue Hoffnung" also. Im Sinne von neuen, tragfähigen beruflichen Perspektiven, die vor meiner DCI experience schlicht nicht vorstellbar gewesen sind - und das war nur der Einstieg.
Mit Bewilligen der Fortbildung durch die Agentur gab es nach gefühlten Nanosekunden auch schon ein detailliertes Kursangebot per Mail gefolgt von einem Anruf meines DCI-Bildungsberaters Bogdan Cosma., der Kursdetails nicht nur leicht verständlich erklärte, sondern in beeindruckend liebenswürdiger Geduld aber auch jede Frage sofort kompetent beantwortete, gar anbot, man könne ihn jederzeit mit jedem Kursanliegen anrufen selbst an Wochenenden. Ein schönes Beispiel für "normative Kraft des Faktischen", solches Engagement setzt Standards, schafft Erwartungen, ist Referenz, die andere erstmal erreichen müssen. So war Bogdan ganz nebenbei Markenbotschafter für DCI, sein Verhalten ließ einiges erhoffen für den inhaltlich durchaus sportlich-ambitionierten Kurs.
Diese positive Ahnung wurde dann ein ganzes Jahr lang weit übertroffen in einer mir davor nicht vorstellbaren Weise.
Konkret bezogen auf DCI Staff: tatsächlich wären mir in durchaus abwechslungsreicher beruflicher Vita nie zuvor engagiertere Mitarbeiter:innen begegnet, die einen in jeder Form, jeder Funktion, in jedem denkbaren Kursaspekt, bei allen Schwierigkeiten bestmöglich unterstützt haben weit über die eigene Stellenbeschreibung hinaus. Genuin glaubwürdig authentisch mit Herzblut Lichtjahre über "Dienst nach Vorschrift" hinaus. Tatsächlich alle, denen ich das Privileg hatte, zu begegnen.
Sie wollen Deinen Erfolg.
Wenn Du also das tolle Privileg einer bewilligten Fortbildung im Digitalbereich hast, wirst Du einen qualifizierteren, philanthropischeren, engagierteren Bildungsträger kaum finden können.
Idee und Konzept meines Kurses fand ich ohnehin super, sie entsprechen meinen Idealen von einer knallbunten Welt der Gleichen, die in liebevollem Respekt einander wertschätzend unterstützen. Was auch sonst. So hat man schlicht mehr Spaß.
Von der Idee zur Tat: Die konkrete Umsetzung schöner Ideale in gelebten Kursalltag fand dann auch konsequent statt, es war angenehmer Spiritus Rector des täglichen Miteinanders und machte den Stress sehr vielen Lernens neuer, bisweilen komplizierter Inhalte deutlich einfacher.
Wenn auch nicht unbedingt einfach: Der Kurs insgesamt ist durchaus anstrengend und fordernd, konnte mich an Grenzen bringen, was Leben ja erst spannend macht. Grenzen finden, überwinden, sich entwickeln. Seriöse Ambition und Motivation sind unbedingt erforderlich für erfolgreiches Bestehen.
Eine tolle, manchmal schwierige, aber immer inspirierende Erfahrung mit wunderbar verschiedenen, klugen, anregenden Menschen, die ich nicht missen möchte.
Ob DU dafür geeignet bist im Sinne von "ist es meine Tasse Tee", lässt sich prima herausfinden im "Orientierungskurs" genannten Eingangsmodul von ca. 4 Wochen Dauer, in den einem verschiedene Aspekte des Web Developments näher gebracht werden. Das macht allen Beteiligten, also auch Dir, die Entscheidung leichter.
Hast Du Dich für den Kurs entschieden und qualifiziert, erwarten Dich außer dem Tsunami neuen Fachwissens über modernes Web Development, das täglich mit praktischen Übungen vertieft wird, weitere klug konzipierte, praxisorientierte Module, die Dir den Einstieg in Dein späteres berufliches Setting erleichtern.
Neben erwartbaren "how to" - Aspekten also (wie CD/Ci, git Workflow, Microservices vs. monolithic approach, Datenbankanbindungen ans selbst entworfene Frontend, Aufbau, Architektur, Gestaltung einer performant skalierbaren web application mit on demand rendered functionality etc.) noch die Vermittlung und das Üben sehr hilfreicher Softskills, die über Deinen späteren Erfolg entscheiden können. Alles im Team natürlich, wie es später auch wahrscheinlich im Job zu erwarten ist. Das Ganze spielerisch mit viel Lachen, dabei didaktisch klug wie inspirierend aufbereitet.
Schließlich war noch Erwerb oder Vertiefen von Sprachkompetenz Teil des Pflichtprogrammes, in unserem Fall Deutsch oder Englisch.
Schul- und Unibesuch sind bei mir nun schon einige Sommer her, aber ich kann mich nicht erinnern, je so komprimiert gelernt zu haben auf so vielfältige Weise, wie in diesem Kurs.
Was gab es alles zu lernen, wen alles kennenzulernen. Eine tolle Erfahrung.
Abschließend wünsche ich noch möglichst vielen Privilegierten nach mir diese sehr außergewöhnliche und schöne Gelegenheit zur Entwicklung eigenen Potentials, ihnen selbst und der Gesellschaft zum Gewinn.
Nuova Speranza – this phrase adorns my desktop background and serves as my personal mantra, inspired by one of my fantastic teachers with biographical ties to Sardinia (sending heartfelt, admiring regards to Giaco and Rami, to Gaël, Anton, Nicole, Louisa, Ash, Metin, Albert, ...). These two simple words perfectly encapsulate, in the most concise manner possible, my consistently positive experience with this exceptional educational institution, which is outstanding in so many ways.
Nuova Speranza.
In other words, "New Hope" – representing new, sustainable career opportunities that were simply unimaginable to me prior to my DCI experience. And that was just the beginning.
Upon approval of the training program by the agency, it felt like mere seconds before I received a detailed course offer via email, swiftly followed by a call from my DCI educational advisor, Bogdan Cosma. Not only did he explain the course details in a clear and comprehensible manner, but he also exhibited remarkable patience and kindness, promptly and competently answering every question. He even offered his availability for any course-related inquiries, including weekends. A wonderful example of the "normative power of the factual": such dedication sets a standard, creates expectations, and establishes a benchmark that others must first strive to match. In doing so, Bogdan became a brand ambassador for DCI, his conduct inspiring confidence in what was already shaping up to be an ambitious and challenging course.
This initial positive impression was not only fulfilled but consistently exceeded over the course of a year in ways I had never imagined.
Specifically, in terms of DCI staff: in my varied professional career, I have never encountered more dedicated individuals. Regardless of their role, every staff member I had the privilege of engaging with provided optimal support in every conceivable aspect of the course and every difficulty that arose – far beyond the scope of their job descriptions. They were genuinely, authentically committed, demonstrating a passion that extended light-years beyond mere "duty by the book."
They genuinely want your success.
If you have the privilege of approved training in the digital field, you will struggle to find a more qualified, philanthropic, or dedicated educational institution than DCI.
The idea and concept of my course already resonated deeply with me, aligning perfectly with my ideals of a vibrant, inclusive world of equals who support each other with loving respect. What else could one wish for? It simply makes life more enjoyable.
From theory to practice: The consistent implementation of these beautiful ideals into the daily course routine was a constant theme. This uplifting spiritus rector of our interactions made the stress of intensive learning – including occasionally complex new material – far more manageable.
That being said, it was not always easy: The course as a whole is quite demanding and challenging. It pushed me to my limits, which is precisely what makes life interesting. Finding boundaries, overcoming them, and evolving. Serious ambition and motivation are absolutely essential to succeed.
It was an extraordinary, sometimes difficult, but always inspiring experience with wonderfully diverse, intelligent, and engaging people I am grateful to have met.
Whether you are suited for this program – in the sense of “Is this my cup of tea?” – can be easily determined in the “Orientation Course,” an introductory module of approximately four weeks. This provides an overview of various aspects of web development, helping everyone involved – including you – make an informed decision.
If you decide to pursue and qualify for the course, you can expect not only a "tsunami" of new technical knowledge about modern web development, reinforced daily through practical exercises, but also additional well-designed, practice-oriented modules that will ease your transition into a professional setting.
In addition to the expected “how-to” aspects (such as CD/CI, Git workflow, microservices vs. monolithic architecture, connecting databases to self-designed frontends, building and structuring a scalable, high-performing web application with on-demand rendered functionality, etc.), you will also gain valuable soft skills. These are practiced extensively and can be critical to your success. Everything is, of course, team-based, as it is likely to be in your future workplace. All of this is presented in a playful, laughter-filled environment, with didactically clever and inspiring methods.
Finally, language skills were also part of the mandatory curriculum, in our case German or English.
It has been several years since my school and university days, but I cannot recall ever learning so much, so intensively, and in such a multifaceted way as I did in this course.
There was so much to learn, so many wonderful people to meet – a truly enriching experience.
In conclusion, I sincerely hope that many more fortunate individuals after me will have this unique and beautiful opportunity to develop their potential, for their own benefit and that of society.
They give you fake promises about job opportunities and support. Never before have I encountered such a toxic positivity environment. Only one programming teacher was capable of teaching effectively, while others struggled with basic coding problems. It was horrific to listen to some of the teachers who barely had English skills. After making some complaints, they would tell you that everything is fine and that you shouldn't be worried.I am writing this opinion to prevent peop...
They give you fake promises about job opportunities and support. Never before have I encountered such a toxic positivity environment. Only one programming teacher was capable of teaching effectively, while others struggled with basic coding problems. It was horrific to listen to some of the teachers who barely had English skills. After making some complaints, they would tell you that everything is fine and that you shouldn't be worried.I am writing this opinion to prevent people from making a wrong decision. Without my determination, I wouldn't be able to code now. All my peers, including myself, bought additional Udemy courses to follow best practices and acquire the knowledge that was supposed to be provided by DCI. If you want to study programming, choose a rare programming language and the best programming school.
I want to give an honest and straightforward review of this course to help other people who are putting all their effort into a career change and trying to make the best decision about where to allocate the resources they have. DCI has been a terrible experience. After 8 months of classes with 2 teachers who arrived every day without having a lesson or material prepared, they tried to explain concepts that were very confusing because of their lack of preparation. Not to mention that when...
I want to give an honest and straightforward review of this course to help other people who are putting all their effort into a career change and trying to make the best decision about where to allocate the resources they have. DCI has been a terrible experience. After 8 months of classes with 2 teachers who arrived every day without having a lesson or material prepared, they tried to explain concepts that were very confusing because of their lack of preparation. Not to mention that when they tried to do live coding, and as they were unprepared, the code never worked out (never!), they deleted it and did it again several times; it was impossible to follow them. In 8 months, nobody learned anything. Most of my classmates came from the IT industry, and even they were complaining. DCI threatened to expel the students from the course if they continued complaining about the bad teachers' quality. Most of us had to buy Udemy courses to get the knowledge, and it was a real solution. I could mention many other things, such as the disastrous 3 weeks of substitute teachers in the backend, each day a different one not knowing what he should teach because DCI contacted him that morning. This post would be very long if it went into all the details. The icing on the cake was when I received a formal written reprimand by email from the class manager in a highly aggressive manner, formally accusing me of "allegedly" falsifying sick leave certificates, which I, not knowing that DCI would reject, obtained through telemedicine from the health service provider DrAnsay. I submitted to DCI all the documentation provided by Dr. Ansay about the legal validity of their certificates and showed that they were issued after telemedicine payment. The point is that the DCI team had 1 year after the first certificate to warn me that they didn't recognize this provider's certificate of illness so that I could go to another doctor in the future. However, they did not acknowledge their mistake and lack of professionalism in notifying their rejection promptly, and they arbitrarily decided to record those absences as unjustified. The ridiculous thing is that the sickness certificates were 2 days of flu (certificate 1), which turned into 15 days of COVID certificate (the flu became that after 5 days) in 2023, and again 1 COVID certificate in January 2024. Something totally within normal disease parameters for 18 months in human life! In summary, teachers who are not certified or prepared to teach, the mistreatment of students, and constant threats that they will report to the Agentur für Arbeit/Job Center are worse than the worst school. To top it all off, wait to learn about coding. If I could go back in time, I would have given this opportunity to a serious and committed education provider who treats students as people, not as immigrants living from the German government. The truth is they are the ones who live from the German government receiving money without being able to offer the education they promise.
For a long time I was really unhappy with the retail job I had. So I finally decided to step out of my comfort zone and do something completely new, learn how to code. I participated in the Web Development course of DCI in Berlin and finally found my true passion. Now I wake up every day and I am excited about what I do, which is the best feeling. I am so happy I made the decision to join DCI. The classes were challenging at times but I felt well supported by the instructors and the grea...
For a long time I was really unhappy with the retail job I had. So I finally decided to step out of my comfort zone and do something completely new, learn how to code. I participated in the Web Development course of DCI in Berlin and finally found my true passion. Now I wake up every day and I am excited about what I do, which is the best feeling. I am so happy I made the decision to join DCI. The classes were challenging at times but I felt well supported by the instructors and the great community of students.
I came to DCI having no clue about coding but was eager to learn and take on new challenges on my career path. I felt really lucky at the time because I finally found a WebDev program in English and fully funded by the German Employment Agency. DCI staff and especially teachers did work really hard to provide us not only an up-to-date and intensive curriculum but also a community of people who are willing to learn and to help each other. There were now and then some shortcomings with the...
I came to DCI having no clue about coding but was eager to learn and take on new challenges on my career path. I felt really lucky at the time because I finally found a WebDev program in English and fully funded by the German Employment Agency. DCI staff and especially teachers did work really hard to provide us not only an up-to-date and intensive curriculum but also a community of people who are willing to learn and to help each other. There were now and then some shortcomings with the schedule but I really appreciated the fact that the staff always put our priorities first and tried to solve any problem almost immediately. Due to the sudden change in my career, I wasn't familiar with the tech industry and struggled a bit building up my own network of developers and recruiters. However, right before my graduation, I already got an internship from the company pool of DCI, which was followed by a full-time job.
Losing my previous job, I was done with the industry and really frustrated. Once I started my course at DCI, everything changed for the positive for me. I got really enthusiastic because of the support and because I could see from the beginning the value of their course. Their curriculum is extremely well put together, especially the Organic Social Media Marketing and Paid Social Media Marketing is very helpful for my current job. With the help of the DCI-Team I was able to land a job ri...
Losing my previous job, I was done with the industry and really frustrated. Once I started my course at DCI, everything changed for the positive for me. I got really enthusiastic because of the support and because I could see from the beginning the value of their course. Their curriculum is extremely well put together, especially the Organic Social Media Marketing and Paid Social Media Marketing is very helpful for my current job. With the help of the DCI-Team I was able to land a job right after my course. It really changed my career.
I wish I could just leave this course now, but unfortunately, I have to complete it because the Job Center is funding it.
I never expected the course to be perfect, but I certainly didn’t expect it to be this bad. The teachers are often incompetent, and there are frequent, unannounced changes in staff/teachers, which disrupt the class dynamics and hinder the learning process. The materials provided are poor, and overall, it’s been a deeply frustrating experience.
I wish I could just leave this course now, but unfortunately, I have to complete it because the Job Center is funding it.
I never expected the course to be perfect, but I certainly didn’t expect it to be this bad. The teachers are often incompetent, and there are frequent, unannounced changes in staff/teachers, which disrupt the class dynamics and hinder the learning process. The materials provided are poor, and overall, it’s been a deeply frustrating experience.In short, it’s bad. Really bad.
Hi, myself Lakshmi. I attended AWS/reStart course at DCI. The way it was planned is really appreciated with proper formats of technical, practical and interview related preparations as well.
I am grateful for the entire DCI team and our tutor Dr.Dominic Singaraj who explained all the concepts really well and in very interesting manner.
Ich wurde sehr gut von meiner Bildungsberaterin Michaela Schormair beraten. Ich brauchte mich nahezu um nichts kümmern und fühlte mich sehr gut aufgehoben. Die Struktur und der Ablauf bei DCI ist sehr gut organisiert und es hat Spaß gemacht, einen Kurs dort zu besuchen. Ich kann DCI nur empfehlen!
Based on 25+ Digital Career Institute alumni reviews on Course Report, satisfied alumni frequently mentioned include the institute's immersive and comprehensive curriculum, particularly in web development and online marketing courses, and the supportive learning environment. One student shared, "Now I wake up every day and I am excited about what I do, which is the best feeling." However, some reviews pointed out occasional organizational issues and schedule inconsistencies.
Digital Career Institute hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 33 Digital Career Institute alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Digital Career Institute on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Digital Career Institute legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 33 Digital Career Institute alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Digital Career Institute and rate their overall experience a 3.63 out of 5.
Does Digital Career Institute offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
You can read 33 reviews of Digital Career Institute on Course Report! Digital Career Institute alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Digital Career Institute and rate their overall experience a 3.63 out of 5.
Is Digital Career Institute accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Digital Career Institute doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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