Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp offers remote, immersive 12-week bootcamps in Sales Professional, Customer Success, Ecommerce Specialist, Product Management, Project Management, Digital Marketing, and UX/UI Design. Students will learn through expert-led live sessions that focus on real-world learning. Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp students receive career coaching. If bootcamp students do not find a job within six months of graduation, they will receive a full tuition refund. All bootcamp students will receive a Certificate of Achievement upon completion.
The Sales Professional bootcamp requires a commitment of 10-15 hours per week. Sales Professional students learn sales development framework and prospecting, social selling, lead generation, outbound strategy, objection handling, forecasting, psychology of selling, and CRM and sales tools. The Customer Success bootcamp requires a commitment of 20-30 hours per week. Customer Success students learn cross sell/upsell strategies, increasing retention, approaches to problem solving, winning customer loyalty, how to handle difficult customers, and how to handle customer feedback. The Ecommerce Specialist bootcamp requires a commitment of 20-30 hours per week. Students will learn PHP, Java, Spring, Hibernate, and MySQL. Ecommerce Specialist students will also learn Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and WordPress. Students also learn elements of marketing, such as SEO, PPC, and Social.
The Product Management bootcamp requires a commitment of 20-30 hours per week. Product Management students learn market intelligence, business case, market validation, and business development. Students also learn minimum viable product, features and requirement gathering, user stories, and storyboarding. The Product Management curriculum includes management methodologies, success metrics, user acceptance, and product presentation & launch. The Project Management bootcamp requires a commitment of 20-30 hours per week. Project Management students will learn planning, managing, and organizing resources; project risk assessment and mitigation; project management methodologies and approaches; and agile project management.
The Digital Marketing bootcamp requires a commitment of 20-30 hours per week. Digital Marketing students learn personas and go-to-market strategy, data analysis & decision making, conversion funnel, SEO, A/B test & optimization. The Digital Marketing curriculum also covers HTML and CSS coding basics. Digital Marketing students are taught marketing technologies, paid media, analytics, social media and other consumer acquisition tactics. The UI/UX Design bootcamp requires a commitment of 20-30 hours per week. UI/UX students will learn UX/UI design, MVP development methodologies, project management, and stakeholder feedback.
Scholarships may be available for bootcamp students. Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp is powered by Workforce Institute International at the Center for Continuing Education at Texas A&M University Kingsville.
How much does Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp cost?
Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp costs around $8,900.
What courses does Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp teach?
Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp offers courses like Customer Success Bootcamp, Digital Marketing Bootcamp, Ecommerce Specialist, Product Management Bootcamp and 3 more.
Where does Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp have campuses?
Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp teaches students Online in a remote classroom.
Is Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp worth it?
Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 1 Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 1 Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a out of 5.
Does Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp reviews?
You can read 1 review of Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp on Course Report! Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp and rate their overall experience a out of 5.
Is Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Texas A&M University Skills Bootcamp doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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