Learn WebXR at These 5 WebXR Bootcamps

WebXR (also known as Web Extended Reality) refers to the tech that enables immersive experiences on the web. With WebXR, users can interact with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) through a web browser, without needing to install additional apps or software. Whether exploring virtual landscapes, visualizing data in AR, or participating in collaborative virtual environments, WebXR is revolutionizing how users interact with digital content online. Typical WebXR tools include a variety of software and frameworks, such as A-Frame, Three.js, Babylon.js, Mozilla Hubs, PlayCanvas, and WebXR Device API. As aWebXR Developer, Coding Temple bootcamp graduate Lee focuses on 3D and VR work, working on 3D design and graphics using Blender. 

There are 5 bootcamps that teach WebXR skills around the world – which is best for you? This list has top-rated bootcamps like XR Terra, XR Bootcamp, Game Art Institute. As you do your research, look for WebXR bootcamps with great alumni reviews, proven student outcomes, and a strong WebXR curriculum.


5 Best WebXR Bootcamps

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