

Average Rating4.87
73 Reviews
9 Courses

JayJay is an Indonesia-based tech training provider offering online, self-paced bootcamps covering topics like UI/UX design, QA engineering, and social media specialization. The bootcamps include hands-on projects to help create a portfolio to show potential employers. JayJay also offers online training courses for experienced professionals to help them build on existing knowledge.

Beginners and students with no experience are welcome to apply to JayJay bootcamps.

Career support is included in the curriculum at JayJay. Career services include resume building, LinkedIn profile assistance, interview prep, and career coaching. Students have lifetime access to JayJay career assistance after graduating.

73 JayJay Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Elizabeth Fransisca S.
    Video Editor, Motion Design • Student • Online
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    Dec 03, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Growing Together with JayJay

    Studying Motion Graphics at JayJay School has been an eye-opening journey filled with new insights and skills. Throughout this learning experience, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the art and techniques behind Motion Graphics, which has truly expanded my creative perspective.Although I’m still in the process of completing the course, it’s exciting and humbling to see some of my assignments receive positive feedback and even impress a few people. This encouragement has fu...
  • Surya Setiawan Kusuma
    Video Editor • Student • Video Editing • Online
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    Dec 03, 2024
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    Video Production Courses

    Learning video production at JayJay has been super helpful for me! It gave me a clear and concise understanding of the most important steps in video production, from lighting techniques, audio, and scriptwriting to post-production where you actually edit the video.The materials are easy to follow, and the mentors are incredibly supportive, especially if you're aiming to grow your career as a video editor or videographer. One of the best parts is the flexibility—if you miss a l...
  • Muhammad Riyadh Abqari
    2d/3d Artist • Student • Online
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    Dec 02, 2024
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    3D Generalist in Blender

    Providing great education with fast response support, 2x live session/month for education, good community on Discord and friendly chats, great and beginner friendly for blender or for those who want to learn 3D rendering.

    Joined 2 months ago and getting really nice with Blender, steps by steps are easy to understand and we have a  chance to make something other than what the task asked, creative by our self-model yet still be in charge of the task project complement
  • Cieran fadil keoni
    Graduate • Social Media Specialist • Online
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    Dec 02, 2024
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    Sangat Fleksibel dan Sangat Edukatif

    Yang paling suka belajar di Jayjay adalah kefleksibelitas pada belajar modulnya. Tidak ada pembatasan harus selesai kapan dan setiap minggu masih ada live session which is really worth it karena idea dari boothcamp di jayjay ada belajar kapan aja sampai selesai. Kita bisa akses discord dan masih bisa bertanya mentor kita kapan aja dan apalagi kalau udah selesai. Beda sama boothcamp lainnya dan Jayjay itu paling bagus menurut saya.
  • Bagas Waskita Aji
    Bagas Waskita Aji
    3D Generalist • Student • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Dec 02, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Amazing Experience Learning 3D at JayJay

    Halo semua! Kenalin aku Bagas, Aku pengen cerita pengalaman seru selama belajar di JayJay Online School. Awalnya, aku cuma seorang 3D artist yang ngerti modeling dan sculpting aja. Tapi aku punya impian besar—aku pengen bisa bikin karya 3D dengan visual realistis yang keren. Sayangnya, aku sempat bingung harus belajar di mana. Sampai akhirnya, aku nemuin iklan JayJay di YouTube.Video itu langsung bikin aku takjub. Mereka nunjukin portfolio mentor-mentor mereka, dan aku langsun...
  • Rona fauziah
    Student • UX/UI Design • Online
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    Nov 30, 2024
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    Up Skill di Jayjay ajaa..

    aku designer dan lagi kursus UiUx Design di JayJay, selama belajar di JayJay aku berasa kayak kuliah online, karena yang aku dapetin bukan cuma materi yang bisa di liat kapanpun tapi ada tugas yang membuat kita cepat di lirik jobseeker. Cara JayJay menyusun materi juga bisa dipelajari oleh siapapun tanpa background sebelumnya, mudah dipahami dan ada mentor yang berpengalaman selalu siap menjawab semua pe...
  • Reyner
    Student • Digital illustration • Online
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    Nov 30, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Kursus Digital Illustration

     Saya mengambil kelas ini karena iklan Instagram akses pembelajaran secara lifetime seumur hidup. Sebelum daftar diinterview dan dijelaskan dari pihak marketing benefit apa saja yang akan di dapat.
    1) Video pembelajaran dapat di akses seumur hidup
    2) Discord berisi materi tambahan baik video, ppt, dsb.
    3) Saat belajar jika dapat kesulitan bisa bertanya ke mentor dan akan di beri solusinya 
    4) Ada live sessi pembelajaran, bisa join jika mau tanya-tanya dan dijawab saat itu. Ji...
  • Gustaf Sebastian
    Student • Online
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    Nov 25, 2024
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    Kursus 3D Generalist in Blender

    Kursus di Jayjay School sangat WORTH IT betul

    kita bisa akses secara lifetime seumur hidup dari :
    - silabus pembelajarannya berupa video tutorial dan power point, video tutorialnya sangat detail langkah-langkahnya
    - mentor yang standby setiap waktu untuk kita dapat bertanya kendala kita, baik tentang tugas pembelajaran atau bahkan diluar pembelajaran juga boleh di tanyakan
    - ada live zoom session juga di weekend, jadi kita bisa join (ga wajib) untuk bertanya tanya, dan li...
  • Panji Maulana Putra
    QA Engineer • Graduate • QA Automation • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 25, 2024
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    Pengalaman kursus QA Jayjay

    Saya mengambil kursus QA engineer di jayjay, Sebelumnya saya termasuk orang yang senang belajar dan ikut banyak kursus di tempat lain juga. Saya menemukan iklan jayjay dari IG ads dan mencoba ambil kursus QA dan berikut penilaian saya.
    - Kursus di jayjay dapat dikerjakan dengan fleksibel, misal kita harus bekerja siangnya kita bisa mengerjakan kursusnya malam atau kapan saja
    - Modul yang diberikan cukup banyak dan lumayan lengkap dari gambaran awal QA, teori dasar QA, t...
  • Hesti Sukmawati
    QA • Student • QA Engineer • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 08, 2024
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    Belajar di JayJay emang asik pake banget! Kayaknya baru ini aku nemu tempat belajar online yang sangat se-niat ini. Kenapa ga niat coba; materi bisa diakses kapanpun, waktu belajar juga fleksibel, ada mentor yang bisa kamu tanya sampe kamu ngerti tentang materi tersebut, dan kalo lagi ngerjain tugas terus kita dpt nilai yang kurang, kita dikasi tau salahnya dimana dan kita bisa reupload tugas yang salah tadi. Tuh, definisi udah dimasakin terus disuapin. Bener-bener bikin semangat belajar...
  • Rahmat Setiawan
    Job Seekers • Student • QA Engineer • Online
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    Feb 01, 2024
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    Mantap Banget Belajar di JayJay

    Belajar di JayJay dari yang semula tidak memahami apa itu QA Engineer menjadi lebih paham. Untuk pelajaran yang dimuat pada modul dan vidio pembelajaran sangat mudah untuk dipahami seperti saya sebagai orang awam yang tidak tau apa itu QA Engineer. Semoga setelah belajar pada bootcamp ini bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan pada bidang tersebut juga. Untuk mentornya juga asik dan selalu memberi masukan jika siswa ada yang punya pertanyaan atau kesulitan saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Aqila
    Student • Video Editing • Online
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    Feb 01, 2024
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    fun, easy, fast

    I followed the editor class for jayjay and this is my experience. I learned alot from jayjay, like how to use capcut and finaly have the courage to finally learn adobe premiere. they make you do alot of work and different task and if you're stuck on something you can ask the jayjay support directly on the app or ask on discord. jayjay school is pretty complete for a starter with no experiences that wants to start a job. I just found out that they have different classes, when I was asking...

JayJay Alumni Outcomes

Recent JayJay News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated October 02, 2023
Happy Fall! AI was all everyone wanted to talk about this September, and rather than reading more doomsday headlines, we saw more nuanced (and longer!) articles on how AI integration will actually improve and create more jobs. We saw two tech training programs receive sizable gifts from MacKenzie Scott’s charitable foundation, and a new coding bootcamp merger in south Florida. We’ll let you k...
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JayJay Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent JayJay News

How much does JayJay cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but JayJay does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

What courses does JayJay teach?

JayJay offers courses like Digital illustration, Front End Web Development, QA Automation, QA Engineer and 5 more.

Where does JayJay have campuses?

JayJay teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is JayJay worth it?

JayJay hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 73 JayJay alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed JayJay on Course Report - you should start there!

Is JayJay legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 73 JayJay alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed JayJay and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Does JayJay offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like JayJay offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read JayJay reviews?

You can read 73 reviews of JayJay on Course Report! JayJay alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed JayJay and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Is JayJay accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. JayJay doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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