254 Best MySQL Bootcamps
LEARN Academy
4.3738Reviews2CoursesLEARN Academy is a 16-week, live-remote web development bootcamp available to students across the United States. LEARN Academy is committed to creating oppor... Learn more about LEARN Academy.LEARN Academy is a 16-week, live-remote web development bootcamp available to students across the United States. LEARN Academy is committed to creating opportunities for individuals to thrive in the tech industry. The bootcamp is held Monday through Friday from 9AM-5PM PT. The comprehensive full stack curriculum covers JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Git, GitHub, pair programming, and more. Students will also complete a 160-hour, live-remote Learnship, where they can dive into real-world projects, while building their skills of working within a technical team. Learn more about LEARN Academy.Rudy Becker5Student • Course: Full Time Web Developer Bootcamp • San Diego
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Says: LEARN: The most well-rounded and experienced bootcamp in the San Diego area
When deciding on which coding bootcamp there are several key factors when need to consider, and in this review, I will explain those key factors and how LEARN AWhen deciding on which coding bootcamp there are several key factors when need to consider, and in this review, I will explain those key factors and how LEARN Academy proved to be the best professional educational decision for my goals.- In-person vs. online: I started my LEARN Academy cohort in February 2020 and for better or worse was able to experience both the in-class and online (Zoom - remote) version of LEARN Academy as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an ideal world, one should attend the in-person experience in order to further solidify friendships within your cohort, the teamwork aspect of being able to discuss code in-person with a whiteboard, and just the general fun of being able to walk around the classroom with a Kombucha in your hand and see what your peers are code. Nonetheless halfway through my bootcamp, we pivoted to remote and we didn’t skip a beat. I feel that all aspects of the curriculum were maintained and we were even able to quickly start utilizing important digital tools more heavily (Git, Slack, VS Code Liveshare) that are fundamental for remote dev work in the future anyway. Overall “in-person” I feel is ideal for learning, but LEARN was super successful in replicating the “in-person” experience online.
- Internship: The internship is a TREMENDOUS value add for choosing LEARN Academy. I had the opportunity to join a company and work alongside 5 developers at a fast-growing startup in San Diego (keep in mind I started to learn to code just 15 weeks prior). My internship was extended and I continued to work for 10 months at the same company gaining practical coding experience every day. I was hired as a contract worker with no benefits, but nonetheless, it was an invaluable experience to work on actual production code. The internship is guaranteed for 4 weeks but I would say ⅓ of my cohort was asked to extend for 1 or more months and they were also paid for their extensions and were able to put actual development work on their resumes.
- Tech Stack: The tech stack I learned while at learn was React, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails, and Postgresql. All of these technologies are widely used today and if you are new to the industry they serve as a solid foundation to grow from. My internship was entirely in Vue but I used my React foundational skills I learned at LEARN to rapidly learn the basics of Vue (over the weekend from when my classroom experience ended and internship began the following Monday).
- Quality of teaching instruction: During my course, I had three daily instructors committed to my cohort ~6 to 1 student to teacher ratio (they pivot the number of instructors based on class size). All in all the teachers I had were able to meet me at my learning level and explain complex concepts into more easily digestible content. They were ALWAYS available to answer questions and held office hours. Like most things in life you get what you put in, so make sure you ask questions all the time and ASK for help when you need it. We also had an excellent Professional Development week, led by the Career Services Manager, and in addition, had access to other developers at several of the dev agencies that were in the same building. If my instructors didn’t immediately know the answer to my question or debug my problem they were able to get back to me with my answer in a timely manner. In addition, we had various guest speakers and panels (from the SD tech scene) which made class each week super interesting.
- Prep Materials: The best resource that LEARN offers in terms of preparation for the bootcamp is their JumpStart weekend. I highly highly highly recommend you participate in that weekend as that was the defining experience that made me decide whether I liked to code and whether I had the confidence in myself to pick up skills quickly over a short period of time. I went into my cohort with about 2 weeks of prior Javascript training and the JumpStart weekend but it was really not enough. I highly recommend people begin studying at least 3 months prior to your cohort (I fully realize that is easier said than done, with life and work, but anyone who came in with prior coding knowledge in my cohort accelerated their learning 2x-5x compared to myself who just wrote my first line of code 14 days before my first day of class.)
- Facilities: LEARN Academy classroom was GORGEOUS in Union Co-work near Petco Park in downtown SD. Unfortunately, I could only attend for 8 weeks due to COVID but the surrounding made you feel like a true web developer in the chic industrial glass-lined classroom. Also the free Kombucha, coffee, tea, and beer (after hours) wasn’t too bad! They also have two main classrooms so we were frequently able to do check-out (sharing what you learned) at the end of the day and learn what the other cohort who started before us was working on that day.
- Community: The LEARN Academy Community is the most vibrant tech career pivoter/bootcamp community in San Diego hands-down. Pre-COVID LEARN held bi-monthly meetups in its classrooms, celebratory cohort get-togethers, project demo days, and evening guest speakers. Now the community of course has shifted remote, but the online Slack community is also super active. On Day 1 you are welcomed into the Slack group and tons of people who were in your shoes starting the bootcamp who now have fancy developer jobs in the San Diego area (and beyond) are willing to help answer your questions and refer you to positions. Once you are a LEARN alum you enter a network of tech leaders at major tech companies throughout San Diego/California and beyond. One additional thing (which I think they still do), is if you want they pair you with another LEARN grad to serve as your Mentor. To this day (Jan 2021) I still meet with my Mentor each week and he has been an invaluable resource post bootcamp for skill development, motivation, and job search help..
- Growth Areas for LEARN: 1) Improvements to my experience include a more clear path of what milestones I needed to achieve in my coding skills before being ready for Day 1 of the bootcamp. I was provided resources but had no idea where to start. I believe that they are now offering propriety prep materials to new students (I just haven’t reviewed them as they were not available to me when I started) 2)Focus more curriculum time on unit testing. We learned Jest Javascript testing (for maybe 1.5 weeks) I feel like it is a critical developer skill that I personally did not pick up quickly and should be prioritized earlier. 3)Introduce earlier data structures and algorithms into the curriculum, as many technical interviews nowadays focus heavily on them. Overall at the end of the day with 12 weeks to go from 0 to junior dev I understand it is tough to squeeze it all in, regardless LOTS of personal self-study is necessary to keep up with the pace of the class if you come in with no prior coding skills.
Overall, there are plenty more points to speak about when speaking about LEARN but at the end of the day after three months of classroom instruction, I was successfully contributing to an agile development team at a tech company in San Diego. The process to prepare for the bootcamp, take the bootcamp, and perform at your internship is INTENSE. The skills to learn to code is like learning a foreign language you constantly need to have a growth mindset and practice, practice, practice. 10 months after my bootcamp I am still growing and learning each day and that never changes. You must have it within yourself to persevere, be a self-starter, and make many many many personal, financial, and family sacrifices to have a chance at getting a junior developer position in 2021. With that being said LEARN is the most well-rounded and experienced resource available in the San Diego area to place your faith in to prepare you for a successful life-changing career pivot.- 38Reviews5CoursesDigital Career Institute (DCI) is a 12-month long coding bootcamp based in Germany with campuses in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Leipzig. The courses are ... Learn more about Digital Career Institute.Digital Career Institute (DCI) is a 12-month long coding bootcamp based in Germany with campuses in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Leipzig. The courses are fully immersive and cover entry-level basics in stack HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. DCI also specialize in technologies like Angular, Node.js, and Databases. DCI was launched as an initiative to integrate refugees into the growing IT industry. Today it is committed to training anyone who wants to pursue a tech career. In addition to coding languages, students will master best practices on platforms like GitHub. They will learn agile project management and development methodologies like SCRUM. Learn more about Digital Career Institute.Kai Weinem
5Graduate • Course: Web Development Course • Düsseldorf
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Says: Nuova Speranza
Nuova Speranza - meine Reise zum Regenbogen. Nuova Speranza, so mein Desktop Hintergrund und DCI Mantra, in Anlehnung an einen meiner fantastischen Lehrer mit bNuova Speranza - meine Reise zum Regenbogen.
Nuova Speranza, so mein Desktop Hintergrund und DCI Mantra, in Anlehnung an einen meiner fantastischen Lehrer mit biografischer Verbindung nach Sardinien (sentimental bewundernde Grüße an Giaco und Rami, an Gaël, Anton, Nicole, Louisa, Ash, Metin, Albert, ...). Denn genau DAS beschreibt umfassend auf das Maximum reduziert in zwei Worten meine durchgehend/ausnahmslos positive Erfahrung mit diesem auf so vielfältige Weise großartigen Bildungsträger.
Nuova Speranza.
"Neue Hoffnung" also. Im Sinne von neuen, tragfähigen beruflichen Perspektiven, die vor meiner DCI experience schlicht nicht vorstellbar gewesen sind - und das war nur der Einstieg.
Mit Bewilligen der Fortbildung durch die Agentur gab es nach gefühlten Nanosekunden auch schon ein detailliertes Kursangebot per Mail gefolgt von einem Anruf meines DCI-Bildungsberaters Bogdan Cosma., der Kursdetails nicht nur leicht verständlich erklärte, sondern in beeindruckend liebenswürdiger Geduld aber auch jede Frage sofort kompetent beantwortete, gar anbot, man könne ihn jederzeit mit jedem Kursanliegen anrufen selbst an Wochenenden. Ein schönes Beispiel für "normative Kraft des Faktischen", solches Engagement setzt Standards, schafft Erwartungen, ist Referenz, die andere erstmal erreichen müssen. So war Bogdan ganz nebenbei Markenbotschafter für DCI, sein Verhalten ließ einiges erhoffen für den inhaltlich durchaus sportlich-ambitionierten Kurs.
Diese positive Ahnung wurde dann ein ganzes Jahr lang weit übertroffen in einer mir davor nicht vorstellbaren Weise.
Konkret bezogen auf DCI Staff: tatsächlich wären mir in durchaus abwechslungsreicher beruflicher Vita nie zuvor engagiertere Mitarbeiter:innen begegnet, die einen in jeder Form, jeder Funktion, in jedem denkbaren Kursaspekt, bei allen Schwierigkeiten bestmöglich unterstützt haben weit über die eigene Stellenbeschreibung hinaus. Genuin glaubwürdig authentisch mit Herzblut Lichtjahre über "Dienst nach Vorschrift" hinaus.
Tatsächlich alle, denen ich das Privileg hatte, zu begegnen.
Sie wollen Deinen Erfolg.
Wenn Du also das tolle Privileg einer bewilligten Fortbildung im Digitalbereich hast, wirst Du einen qualifizierteren, philanthropischeren, engagierteren Bildungsträger kaum finden können.
Idee und Konzept meines Kurses fand ich ohnehin super, sie entsprechen meinen Idealen von einer knallbunten Welt der Gleichen, die in liebevollem Respekt einander wertschätzend unterstützen. Was auch sonst. So hat man schlicht mehr Spaß.
Von der Idee zur Tat:
Die konkrete Umsetzung schöner Ideale in gelebten Kursalltag fand dann auch konsequent statt, es war angenehmer Spiritus Rector des täglichen Miteinanders und machte den Stress sehr vielen Lernens neuer, bisweilen komplizierter Inhalte deutlich einfacher.
Wenn auch nicht unbedingt einfach:
Der Kurs insgesamt ist durchaus anstrengend und fordernd, konnte mich an Grenzen bringen, was Leben ja erst spannend macht. Grenzen finden, überwinden, sich entwickeln.
Seriöse Ambition und Motivation sind unbedingt erforderlich für erfolgreiches Bestehen.
Eine tolle, manchmal schwierige, aber immer inspirierende Erfahrung mit wunderbar verschiedenen, klugen, anregenden Menschen, die ich nicht missen möchte.
Ob DU dafür geeignet bist im Sinne von "ist es meine Tasse Tee", lässt sich prima herausfinden im "Orientierungskurs" genannten Eingangsmodul von ca. 4 Wochen Dauer, in den einem verschiedene Aspekte des Web Developments näher gebracht werden. Das macht allen Beteiligten, also auch Dir, die Entscheidung leichter.
Hast Du Dich für den Kurs entschieden und qualifiziert, erwarten Dich außer dem Tsunami neuen Fachwissens über modernes Web Development, das täglich mit praktischen Übungen vertieft wird, weitere klug konzipierte, praxisorientierte Module, die Dir den Einstieg in Dein späteres berufliches Setting erleichtern.
Neben erwartbaren "how to" - Aspekten also (wie CD/Ci, git Workflow, Microservices vs. monolithic approach, Datenbankanbindungen ans selbst entworfene Frontend, Aufbau, Architektur, Gestaltung einer performant skalierbaren web application mit on demand rendered functionality etc.) noch die Vermittlung und das Üben sehr hilfreicher Softskills, die über Deinen späteren Erfolg entscheiden können. Alles im Team natürlich, wie es später auch wahrscheinlich im Job zu erwarten ist.
Das Ganze spielerisch mit viel Lachen, dabei didaktisch klug wie inspirierend aufbereitet.
Schließlich war noch Erwerb oder Vertiefen von Sprachkompetenz Teil des Pflichtprogrammes, in unserem Fall Deutsch oder Englisch.
Schul- und Unibesuch sind bei mir nun schon einige Sommer her, aber ich kann mich nicht erinnern, je so komprimiert gelernt zu haben auf so vielfältige Weise, wie in diesem Kurs.
Was gab es alles zu lernen, wen alles kennenzulernen. Eine tolle Erfahrung.
Abschließend wünsche ich noch möglichst vielen Privilegierten nach mir diese sehr außergewöhnliche und schöne Gelegenheit zur Entwicklung eigenen Potentials, ihnen selbst und der Gesellschaft zum Gewinn.
Fertig. Können wir jetzt endlich Coden?
Nuova Speranza – My Journey to the Rainbow
Nuova Speranza – this phrase adorns my desktop background and serves as my personal mantra, inspired by one of my fantastic teachers with biographical ties to Sardinia (sending heartfelt, admiring regards to Giaco and Rami, to Gaël, Anton, Nicole, Louisa, Ash, Metin, Albert, ...). These two simple words perfectly encapsulate, in the most concise manner possible, my consistently positive experience with this exceptional educational institution, which is outstanding in so many ways.
Nuova Speranza.
In other words, "New Hope" – representing new, sustainable career opportunities that were simply unimaginable to me prior to my DCI experience. And that was just the beginning.
Upon approval of the training program by the agency, it felt like mere seconds before I received a detailed course offer via email, swiftly followed by a call from my DCI educational advisor, Bogdan Cosma. Not only did he explain the course details in a clear and comprehensible manner, but he also exhibited remarkable patience and kindness, promptly and competently answering every question. He even offered his availability for any course-related inquiries, including weekends. A wonderful example of the "normative power of the factual": such dedication sets a standard, creates expectations, and establishes a benchmark that others must first strive to match. In doing so, Bogdan became a brand ambassador for DCI, his conduct inspiring confidence in what was already shaping up to be an ambitious and challenging course.
This initial positive impression was not only fulfilled but consistently exceeded over the course of a year in ways I had never imagined.
Specifically, in terms of DCI staff: in my varied professional career, I have never encountered more dedicated individuals. Regardless of their role, every staff member I had the privilege of engaging with provided optimal support in every conceivable aspect of the course and every difficulty that arose – far beyond the scope of their job descriptions. They were genuinely, authentically committed, demonstrating a passion that extended light-years beyond mere "duty by the book."
They genuinely want your success.
If you have the privilege of approved training in the digital field, you will struggle to find a more qualified, philanthropic, or dedicated educational institution than DCI.
The idea and concept of my course already resonated deeply with me, aligning perfectly with my ideals of a vibrant, inclusive world of equals who support each other with loving respect. What else could one wish for? It simply makes life more enjoyable.
From theory to practice:
The consistent implementation of these beautiful ideals into the daily course routine was a constant theme. This uplifting spiritus rector of our interactions made the stress of intensive learning – including occasionally complex new material – far more manageable.
That being said, it was not always easy:
The course as a whole is quite demanding and challenging. It pushed me to my limits, which is precisely what makes life interesting. Finding boundaries, overcoming them, and evolving. Serious ambition and motivation are absolutely essential to succeed.
It was an extraordinary, sometimes difficult, but always inspiring experience with wonderfully diverse, intelligent, and engaging people I am grateful to have met.
Whether you are suited for this program – in the sense of “Is this my cup of tea?” – can be easily determined in the “Orientation Course,” an introductory module of approximately four weeks. This provides an overview of various aspects of web development, helping everyone involved – including you – make an informed decision.
If you decide to pursue and qualify for the course, you can expect not only a "tsunami" of new technical knowledge about modern web development, reinforced daily through practical exercises, but also additional well-designed, practice-oriented modules that will ease your transition into a professional setting.
In addition to the expected “how-to” aspects (such as CD/CI, Git workflow, microservices vs. monolithic architecture, connecting databases to self-designed frontends, building and structuring a scalable, high-performing web application with on-demand rendered functionality, etc.), you will also gain valuable soft skills. These are practiced extensively and can be critical to your success. Everything is, of course, team-based, as it is likely to be in your future workplace.
All of this is presented in a playful, laughter-filled environment, with didactically clever and inspiring methods.
Finally, language skills were also part of the mandatory curriculum, in our case German or English.
It has been several years since my school and university days, but I cannot recall ever learning so much, so intensively, and in such a multifaceted way as I did in this course.
There was so much to learn, so many wonderful people to meet – a truly enriching experience.
In conclusion, I sincerely hope that many more fortunate individuals after me will have this unique and beautiful opportunity to develop their potential, for their own benefit and that of society.
Done. Now, can we finally start coding? :)
- 37Reviews4CoursesRice University Boot Camps offer a 12-week, full-time web development course, 24-week, part-time, web development, data analytics, and cybersecurity programs... Learn more about Rice University Boot Camps.Rice University Boot Camps offer a 12-week, full-time web development course, 24-week, part-time, web development, data analytics, and cybersecurity programs, and 18-week, part-time digital marketing and technology project management boot camps. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git. Learn more about Rice University Boot Camps.Kevin Curry
5Student • Houston
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Says: WOW! What an experience!
I enrolled in the AI Bootcamp at Rice University back in July 2024. My interest in AI wasn't just academic; it was also practical, as I sought to integrate AI sI enrolled in the AI Bootcamp at Rice University back in July 2024. My interest in AI wasn't just academic; it was also practical, as I sought to integrate AI solutions into my company's operations. After exploring various programs, Rice's offering stood out due to its comprehensive approach, blending foundational AI knowledge with deeper, more technical insights.My journey through the Rice AI Bootcamp has been nothing short of exceptional. The curriculum is intense, designed to cover extensive material quickly, aligning with my expectations for a rigorous learning experience. The instructor deserves special mention; his dedication to both the subject matter and student engagement is palpable. Initially, his method seemed daunting, but it quickly became clear that his interactive style was meant to foster a deeper understanding and engagement, making the complex feel accessible.For anyone contemplating this course, here's my advice:- Brush Up on Python: Before diving in, reinforce your Python skills. There are plenty of resources online or in print that can help.
- Statistics is Key: A solid grasp of statistics is crucial as it underpins much of AI.
- Stay Calm and Engaged: The pace might be brisk, but give yourself time to adjust. Utilize the resources provided, like pre- and post-session Q&A times, and don't hesitate to seek tutoring for a deeper understanding or help with assignments.
My time at this Bootcamp has been transformative, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to seriously advance their AI knowledge and skills. - 37Reviews6CoursesUniversity of Minnesota Boot Camps offer a 12-week, full-time and 24-week, part-time web development courses, 24-week, part-time data analytics, cybersecurit... Learn more about University of Minnesota Boot Camps.University of Minnesota Boot Camps offer a 12-week, full-time and 24-week, part-time web development courses, 24-week, part-time data analytics, cybersecurity, UX/UI, and financial technology courses, and an 18-week, part-time digital marketing course. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git. Learn more about University of Minnesota Boot Camps.Jacob Stegman
5Graduate • Course: Cybersecurity - Part-Time • St. Paul
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Says: Worth the Battle!
Throughout the 24 weeks this bootcamp lasted, I had doubts on whether I would be able to complete it. I can say after that 24th week, I am glad I sticked to it.Throughout the 24 weeks this bootcamp lasted, I had doubts on whether I would be able to complete it. I can say after that 24th week, I am glad I sticked to it.
I was interested in finding a new career path since I dropped out of college after my first year. I was studying computer science and it just was not fit for me. I started looking into cybersecurity more and was very interested in all the different paths you could follow. Through my employer, I looked at bootcamps they provided and found this cybersecurity bootcamp through the University of Minnesota. I read what the journey through the 24 week course looks like, and I decided to jump in for the long haul. My experience with this bootcamp was beyond phenomenal. From the instructor to the TA's, you could really tell they wanted every single student to succeed. I could tell it was just as hard for them as it was for us students, but the passion they poured into this course was amazing. One of my favorite aspects of this program was working with my peers to complete projects. It was awesome to see how easy it was to work with them and how friendly everyone was. If I had to give advice to future students, I would recommend to make connections in your class and work with each other, whether it's on the weekly assignments, or if it is on the projects you have to complete. Having those connections will improve your quality of life during this bootcamp, and can also be helpful after you finish. I will miss this bootcamp, it was a great course and taught me tons of information. Coders Campus
4.8936Reviews1CourseCoders Campus offers a 24-week, remote online Full Stack Java bootcamp. The bootcamp is part-time and requires 20 hours of work per week. Full Stack Java boo... Learn more about Coders Campus.Coders Campus offers a 24-week, remote online Full Stack Java bootcamp. The bootcamp is part-time and requires 20 hours of work per week. Full Stack Java bootcamp students will spend the first 20 weeks of the bootcamp learning Java technologies, including front end, back end, and MySQL, and will be prepared to enter junior developer roles in the workforce. Students will spend the final four weeks developing a full-stack web application for their personal portfolio. Students will meet weekly with their instructor via Zoom to review the week’s lessons and assignments. Students will also receive personalized video reviews of their coding assignments and lifetime access to recorded Zoom calls and bootcamp content. Learn more about Coders Campus.Ricardo Edwards5Student • Course: Full Stack Java Bootcamp • Online
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Says: The best boot camp ever!
Everything about this boot camp is amazing. I implore anyone who wants to become a developer to give Coders Campus a shot!!! They will not disappoint. (I’ve beeEverything about this boot camp is amazing. I implore anyone who wants to become a developer to give Coders Campus a shot!!! They will not disappoint. (I’ve been through other bootcamps which shall remain anonymous lol).SMU Boot Camps
4.7135Reviews5CoursesSouthern Methodist University (SMU) boot camps offer 12-week, full-time and 24-week, part-time web development courses, 24-week, part-time data science, and ... Learn more about SMU Boot Camps.Southern Methodist University (SMU) boot camps offer 12-week, full-time and 24-week, part-time web development courses, 24-week, part-time data science, and cybersecurity courses. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL and Git. Learn more about SMU Boot Camps.Andres Garcia5Graduate • Course: Cybersecurity - Part-Time • Dallas
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Says: Best Decision Ever!
When I first considered a career path, I wanted something that was not only exciting but also offered ample growth opportunities. After careful research, I discWhen I first considered a career path, I wanted something that was not only exciting but also offered ample growth opportunities. After careful research, I discovered that cybersecurity perfectly fit these criteria. It's a field that is constantly evolving, with new challenges and threats arising every day. The demand for cybersecurity professionals is at an all-time high, mirroring the rapid advancement of technology in various industries. With this realization, I decided to embark on a journey to become a cybersecurity expert. When it came to choosing the right program to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, the SMU Boot Camp stood out to me. The university's privilege and good reputation in delivering high-quality education were key factors that influenced my decision. I knew that by enrolling in the SMU Boot Camp, I would gain more than I could expect from any other program. My experience with the boot camp surpassed all my expectations. The curriculum was designed meticulously, covering a wide range of cybersecurity topics that are relevant in today's digital landscape. One of my favorite aspects of the program was the emphasis on practical skills and hands-on learning. Through SIEMS analysis, Linux commands, and cloud security and encryption, I acquired valuable expertise that is directly applicable in real-world scenarios. Moreover, the instructors and teaching assistants at SMU Boot Camp were incredibly knowledgeable and supportive. They were always available to answer questions and provide guidance, ensuring that I had a clear understanding of each topic. I can't emphasize enough the importance of taking advantage of every resource available, attending classes diligently, and engaging with the instructors and TAs. Additionally, going the extra mile by conducting independent research further solidifies your understanding and enhances your overall learning experience. To prospective students considering a career in cybersecurity and joining the SMU Boot Camp, my advice is to embrace the journey with enthusiasm and dedication. Cybersecurity is a rapidly evolving field, and staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies is crucial. Take advantage of every opportunity to expand your knowledge, participate actively in class discussions, and don't hesitate to ask questions when in doubt. The combination of the comprehensive curriculum, supportive environment, and your own commitment will set you on the path to success in the cybersecurity industry. In conclusion, my decision to pursue a career in cybersecurity and enroll in the SMU Boot Camp has been one of the best choices I've made. I have gained a wealth of high-value information and knowledge, equipping me with the skills needed to thrive in this exciting and ever-growing field. I am grateful for the opportunities provided by the program and the invaluable experience it has given me.- 34Reviews1CourseBoiseCodeWorks is an intensive coding bootcamp based in Boise, Idaho. BoiseCodeWorks's flagship course is a full stack, full-time 12-week immersive course. T... Learn more about BoiseCodeWorks.BoiseCodeWorks is an intensive coding bootcamp based in Boise, Idaho. BoiseCodeWorks's flagship course is a full stack, full-time 12-week immersive course. The course costs $7,800 with a curriculum built to modern industry standards so that students graduate with professional ready portfolios. The immersive focuses on key modern technologies like JavaScript, Angular, and NodeJS, ASP.NET, and Git. Students will learn database technologies like SQL and MongoDB. The immersive course also emphasizes job preparation and includes ongoing career support. Learn more about BoiseCodeWorks.Kevin Kelley
5Graduate • Course: Immersive Full Stack Web Development • Boise
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Says: Fast Paced, Fun, Rewarding
My experience at Boise Codeworks was amazing! Starting with foundational knowledge and slowly (kind of) scaling into more advanced material, everything in thisMy experience at Boise Codeworks was amazing! Starting with foundational knowledge and slowly (kind of) scaling into more advanced material, everything in this course flowed very well. We learned HTML, CSS, SCSS, Node.js, Vue.js, C#, MySQL, Agile Methodology, MVC pattern and so much more.
On top of all the topics, without me even noticing at first they also taught us how to code in a clean way and use a lot of best practices. Boise Codeworks doesn't just teach you how to code, it prepares you for your future career. I can't recommend this program enough! Jigsaw Labs
5.034Reviews1CourseJigsaw Labs is a data engineering bootcamp taught part-time and online. Jigsaw Labs offers a 24-week Data Engineering Bootcamp and a 12-week Web Development ... Learn more about Jigsaw Labs.Jigsaw Labs is a data engineering bootcamp taught part-time and online. Jigsaw Labs offers a 24-week Data Engineering Bootcamp and a 12-week Web Development Bootcamp with Python. In the Data Engineering bootcamp, students will learn backend programming (Python, SQL, Flask and testing), how to work with professional codebases, DevOps (AWS, Docker), and data pipelines (Pyspark, Airflow, Redshift, DBT). The Web Development with Python course curriculum covers Python, OOP, SQL, Flask, and Dashboards. Learn more about Jigsaw Labs.Chuma Idigo5Graduate • Course: Data Engineering Career Course • Online
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Says: Comprehensive Data Engineering Bootcamp
Jigsaw Labs does a great job in preparing you to be a data engineer. The first portion of the course involves going through software engineering covering back eJigsaw Labs does a great job in preparing you to be a data engineer. The first portion of the course involves going through software engineering covering back end development. Starting out with going through some basic fundamentals of coding involving arrays, dictionaries, functions, and tests. Everything builds on itself starting from day one ensuring that one is able to gain continued practice and exposure to the concepts in different formats. From there it goes into learning about codebase navigation and implementation. Ensuring that you know how to setup a codebase for a project, and are able to navigate a codebase and make changes to the code. Afterwards, it takes you through SQL, OOP, and system design to fully bring together the construction of backend tasks and logic as a software engineer.
This all takes up the first half of the course. After getting through this, things begin getting interesting. Students are matched up with various companies for an internship that runs in parallel to the course for the remainder of the program. With this you get live practice and opportunities in a professional setting along with mentorship from the company you're working with and the jigsaw team of instructors. This opportunity gives the chance to practice things such as stand-ups, organization of job needs and demands and more important soft skills that contribute to the ability of one to become a strong and effective software and/or data engineer. All of this is in addition to the technical skills being learned and practiced from the opportunity. This portion of the class involves at least 6 hours with that time coming from dedicated in class time with myself and many other of my classmates choosing to put in more time outside of class hours.
While this is taking place, we begin going through devops, cloud, analysis, and other current in demand data engineering tools(the curriculum is continuously updated to remain relevant). In my cohort we covered docker and learned how to work with it and then based on the response of the job market, terraform was included in the following cohort and made available to those of us from previous cohorts. AWS is the cloud provider of choice and we work with it and learn how to use parts of its ecosystem such as EC2, S3, Lambda, Glue, Athena, Redshift as part of constructing a data pipeline. We also work with leading/emerging technologies in the industry such as Airflow and Prefect for workflow orchestration, DBT, DuckDB, and more. Afterwards we worked with tableau to practice presenting our findings for our target audience in a concise way that delivers our message through things such as dashboards.
Last but not least, we get to part of what truly helps distinguish this bootcamp. The job support and preparation is amazing. As we begin nearing the end of our formal classes and instructions DSA and leetcode practice is incorporated. This is for both python and sql. Additionally, reviewing and gaining understanding of the core key concepts we've covered throughout the course, how they function, and how to use/incorporate it in an appropriate way in a live setting is covered. This helps prep for conceptual and higher level questions that test understanding. From there, training and prep for answering interview questions is done.
When the course officially 'ends' a continuation of interview prep and content review is done. This helps ensure we are able to maintain and continue growing our skills that we've learned over the previous 6-7 months. Additionally, the team of instructors meets with you to help curate a tailored plan to find a job based on your experience and interests. At this point, some people continue on with their internships, some get offered more permanent roles, some find new internships, while some just continue to practice. All this takes place while applying for jobs. Help is provided on that front with slack channels, groups, and more that can help us network and expose us to opportunities that we might have previously missed.
When I was applying for a job, I was given help with things such as resume construction, mock interviews, conferences and more. Overall, I'll repeat the process and recommend the program to others. The content is top notch, the instruction is first class, and the opportunities one has available afterwards speaks volumes. It can be a lot of work to keep up and ensure you're doing your best and properly learning the content, especially if you're new to coding. Even though I had experience I still learned a lot from the course and had to put in my share of hours as well. However, it's well worth it because of the skill-set you come out with. Nothing is a guarantee. However, I can say with strong confidence that if one puts in a strong effort into the course you'll come out with something that will help move you down your career path.Parsity
4.9732Reviews2CoursesParsity (formerly Project Shift) is a full-time and part-time, online software engineering training program. The curriculum covers the pragmatic and theoreti... Learn more about Parsity.Parsity (formerly Project Shift) is a full-time and part-time, online software engineering training program. The curriculum covers the pragmatic and theoretical fundamentals of full-stack JavaScript, including HTML, CSS, NodeJS, SQL, NoSQL, React/Redux, APIs, algorithms and more. Parsity’s vision is to rebuild and redefine what it means to mentor and train new developers. In each module, students will learn objectives, pick them apart, and finish with an evaluation which is graded and reviewed by instructors to help determine their knowledge. Learn more about Parsity.Ryan Passer5Graduate
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Says: Great Program & Great Value
As someone who wanted to make a 180 degree career change and quickly develop marketable coding skills without breaking the bank, Parsity was the perfect bootcamAs someone who wanted to make a 180 degree career change and quickly develop marketable coding skills without breaking the bank, Parsity was the perfect bootcamp for me. From a top level perspective, it checked off a lot of the boxes I was looking for: fully remote learning environment with the flexibility to work at my own pace (and either full-time or part-time), continual mentorship and support from the staff both during and after the program, and insanely good value when comparing their price to the average cost of a coding bootcamp.
The curriculum was very well structured with a natural progression of concepts. The first half focused on the Front End - We started with a review of JavaScript fundamentals and CSS/HTML before moving on to DOM manipulation, working with APIs, and then diving into the React framework. In the second half of the course, we transitioned to the Back End, learning how to build our own web servers and databases with Node, Express and MongoDB before putting everything together and developing Full Stack applications. At the end of each week, we were assigned a mini-project that covered what we had just learned. These were very challenging, but always engaging and I really felt like I was building something practical while working on them.
Despite the bootcamp being fully remote, I still had great opportunities to collaborate with other students. In the middle of the course, we had a week-long paired programming hackathon, and towards the end, the entire cohort worked together on a group project simulating an Agile-style sprint in which we were tasked to develop a functioning Full Stack application in 2 weeks. I'd say this experience along with our independent final project was probably where I learned and grew the most. Everything really came together here: putting all the coding skills I'd been honing to use, working/communicating in a group setting (and dealing with the unique challenges this can present), planning out design and structure at a larger scale, using Git flow effectively, and presenting an app as if demoing to a client. These projects were easily my favorite part of the program.
On top of that, I received a ton of support from Parsity in the job search after graduating. First of all, we had dedicated time spent solely on career development, including refining our resumes and LinkedIn profiles, writing effective cover letters, networking, and preparing for the interview process. I also had access to a fantastic Career Services Coach that met with me frequently and was always available when I reached out. I got a ton of helpful advice that was tailored to my own particular job search, as well as mock interviews structured for the specific companies I was focused on. The assistance I received after graduating was invaluable, and ultimately played a huge role in me landing my first developer job.
All in all, if you're interested in programming and want to shift your career trajectory, I highly recommend Parsity. I never would have believed a year ago that I could learn so much in such a short timeframe and actually get hired as a programmer. But it's true - coding bootcamps are a totally viable pathway and Parsity is a great one with great value. Enrolling was one of the best decisions I've ever made.Command Shift
4.8731Reviews1CourseCommand Shift is a code school that runs a part-time, online coding bootcamp, teaching full stack software development. Their flagship 28-week BOOTCAMP cours... Learn more about Command Shift.Command Shift is a code school that runs a part-time, online coding bootcamp, teaching full stack software development. Their flagship 28-week BOOTCAMP course teaches students the fundamentals of software development with JavaScript, including industry best practices such as Test-Driven Development and Object-Oriented Programming. Students later go on to gain insight into backend development, with Node.js, Express, MySQL and Docker, followed by front end development where they learn how to build interactive front end applications with React, HTML and CSS. The course is project-led, and students build up a portfolio of 10-12 projects throughout, which they can use to demonstrate their skills for entry-level Software Development roles. Learn more about Command Shift.Abdikarim Hussein5Graduate • Course: BOOTCAMP • Online
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Says: Truly a fantastic course
I learnt so much in this course. As a career changer i wanted to learn full stack software development, get hands on experience and become career ready. This coI learnt so much in this course. As a career changer i wanted to learn full stack software development, get hands on experience and become career ready. This course helped me to achieve that. I am currently working as a junior software developer.
This course helped me to be prepare for work in the industry. I got experience in all parts of software development lifecycle. I got support with my CV and interview which helped me to land my first role. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is a career changer like myself or a career starter or looking to update their knowledge with the latest tech in software development.
Important tips for new starters:
- Make sure you read your course materials including the extra bits,
- Prepare your questions before online classes (the teachers are very good with answering your questions and giving real life examples),
- Learn how to research software issues (this course will teach you how to approach any error you could possibly have, basic principles, what steps to take, hugely important in career)
- Finally make sure you enrol!
4.5831Reviews4CoursesRe:Coded is a Middle Eastern tech training provider offering part-time, live online bootcamps covering topics like full stack development (26 weeks), UX/UI d... Learn more about Re:Coded.Re:Coded is a Middle Eastern tech training provider offering part-time, live online bootcamps covering topics like full stack development (26 weeks), UX/UI design (16 weeks), front end development (20 weeks), and back end development (20 weeks). Re:Coded also offers intro classes for students that aren’t ready to commit to a bootcamp. Re:Coded aims to help women and underprivileged individuals learn tech to help them find employment. Learn more about Re:Coded.Nour Joseph El Khoury5Graduate • Course: Frontend Development • Online
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Says: Re:coded Experience
The Bootcamp was an amazing Experience for me, before my graduation from the university and since when the Bootcamp start it was a whole guide for my career andThe Bootcamp was an amazing Experience for me, before my graduation from the university and since when the Bootcamp start it was a whole guide for my career and my future, I learn how to be confidence and how to face the job market so I can be proud that I'm Re:coded graduated student also the learning knowledge From the instructor who put effort day by day to make us understand everything and the follow up from the career services all of this make change in my career and my work personality, Today I'm working as a frontend developer remotely each time I met someone in my domain or someone who really need this Bootcamp I'm always talking about my brilliant experience and the support that I have because this is not a community it a second name for me that I'm proud to have itProGrad
4.8629Reviews4CoursesFACE Prep’s ProGrad is a 6-month, online, MERN full stack coding bootcamp. The curricula have been designed in collaboration with academia and industry leade... Learn more about ProGrad.FACE Prep’s ProGrad is a 6-month, online, MERN full stack coding bootcamp. The curricula have been designed in collaboration with academia and industry leaders and includes HTML, CSS, Javascript, Java, Mongo.DB, Git, React, Node.js, and Express.js. Bootcamp students will work on industry-grade projects to develop design thinking and algorithmic thinking and gain familiarity with popular developer tools. Students are also given lifetime access to the ProGrad learning platform and the coding bootcamp course material. Learn more about ProGrad.Shruti Aher5Graduate • Course: Bespoke Train & Hire Programs • Online
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Says: "Best Place to start your career."
I learned about Thoughtworks-Prograd train and hire programme during my final semester of college. It was something I applied for. I was chosen for this programI learned about Thoughtworks-Prograd train and hire programme during my final semester of college. It was something I applied for. I was chosen for this programme after six rounds of evaluation.
Initially, I assumed that this would be like traditional classroom learning, with PPTs and all, but I was wrong. We gained experience through doing. It was a two-month training session. We learned about Java and Git for the first two weeks by performing little coding assignments.
Following that, Bootcamp projects began, with a project every week in which the prograd mentors acted as real clients for us and gave us the criteria. Prograd mentors were always available to inspire us and answer our difficulties throughout the process.
In addition to this, every week there were organized tech-talks and Pecha Kucha. We trainees were given presentations on any technical topic during tech-talks. In Pecha Kucha, we discussed various societal issues that exist in India. This discourse gave me a lot of confidence in my ability to speak. They also took weekly soft skill training, which helped me enhance my communication and personality.
Based on my personal experience, I can confidently state that enrolling in this programme was the best decision I ever made, and I am grateful to Prograd for providing me with this opportunity.- 28Reviews1CourseCase Western Reserve University (CWRU) offers a 24-week, part-time Data Analytics Boot Camp. The data curriculum includes programming in Excel, Python, R pro... Learn more about Case Western Reserve University Boot Camps.Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) offers a 24-week, part-time Data Analytics Boot Camp. The data curriculum includes programming in Excel, Python, R programming, JavaScript charting, HTML/CSS, API interactions, SQL, Tableau, fundamental statistics, machine learning and more. Enjoy close collaboration with other professionals while receiving hands-on experience. Learn more about Case Western Reserve University Boot Camps.Dan Kopac
5Student • Course: Full Stack Flex - Part-Time • Cleveland
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Says: Excellent Learning Experience
I came into the boot camp knowing very little about development and came out knowing more than I thought I ever would it’s a great way to sharpen your mind andI came into the boot camp knowing very little about development and came out knowing more than I thought I ever would it’s a great way to sharpen your mind and your knowledge I think that if you have any kind of desire to learn a field like this even if it’s just expanding your knowledge this is worth it in the end you learn so much in a short period of time CodeOp
4.9627Reviews6CoursesCodeOp is an international tech school headquartered in Barcelona that offers full-time and part-time tech bootcamps for women, trans, and gender non-conform... Learn more about CodeOp.CodeOp is an international tech school headquartered in Barcelona that offers full-time and part-time tech bootcamps for women, trans, and gender non-conforming people in full stack web development, data analytics, and data science. Launched as a social venture by a San Francisco native in 2018, CodeOp is an international team that is passionate about doing meaningful work at the intersection of tech and education. Learn more about CodeOp.Agata Swiniarska5Graduate • Course: Data Analytics (Full-time) • Barcelona
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Says: Fantastic start for your data skillset!
I attended Code Op's Data Analyst Track in 2024. The school provides a great background to anyone who would like to change careers, transition into tech or justI attended Code Op's Data Analyst Track in 2024. The school provides a great background to anyone who would like to change careers, transition into tech or just gain a new skillset. During 8 weeks we went thoroughly and deeply from the fundamentals of coding in Python to the practical use of data sciences and data analytics. The course offers tools, materials and conducts projects that a student can later put on their resume. Career Week organized and the end of each course is also a feature that boosts confidence and prepares a graduate for the market. The staff is professional, helpful and friendly.
Great school, I absolutely recommend it!Product Hall
4.9225Reviews2CoursesProduct Hall is a 10-week, online Product Management bootcamp that focuses on hands-on, practical learning. The bootcamp features live, interactive classes w... Learn more about Product Hall.Product Hall is a 10-week, online Product Management bootcamp that focuses on hands-on, practical learning. The bootcamp features live, interactive classes where students receive training, tools, and 1:1 mentorship from experienced instructors. The Product Hall curriculum covers customer development, strategic thinking skills, product design, agile methodologies, and product management technology and software. Learn more about Product Hall.Ramen Benyamin5Graduate • Course: Product Management Certificate Program (Online) • Online
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Says: Unparalleled access to mentorship and real world experience.
Unlike many other courses I've taken, this was a far more intimate and catered experience, allowing me to be more proactive in my learning and project work. TheUnlike many other courses I've taken, this was a far more intimate and catered experience, allowing me to be more proactive in my learning and project work. The course provides an in-depth dive into the product field, while examining real world examples and experiences. There is a lot of consideration into your own career path throughout, and they are committed to helping you reach your goals.- 25Reviews3CoursesVanderbilt University Boot Camps offer 12-week, full-time, and 24-week, part-time courses in web development; 24-week, part-time courses in data analytics an... Learn more about Vanderbilt University Boot Camps.Vanderbilt University Boot Camps offer 12-week, full-time, and 24-week, part-time courses in web development; 24-week, part-time courses in data analytics and cybersecurity; and 24-week, part-time courses in data analytics and cybersecurity. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git. Learn more about Vanderbilt University Boot Camps.Sidney Edwards
5Graduate • Course: Full Stack Web Development - Part-Time • Nashville
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Says: If I can do it anybody can.
I am a single mom of a young daughter and I also have a full time job. I decided to join the boot camp because I wanted a career that I could be proud of and thI am a single mom of a young daughter and I also have a full time job. I decided to join the boot camp because I wanted a career that I could be proud of and that would allow more flexibility in my schedule.
During the boot camp, I had to grow parts of my brain that had never been used before. I had to work most nights and weekends, and sometimes I was exhausted.
But on the flip side, I got to play with creative solutions, make “art” in my designs, and make new friends. I also learned a ton (zero to developer).
Also, my instructor was amazing- so patient and helpful, and he went far and above his required time to push us through to the end.
Most importantly, I got to show myself and my daughter that you can do anything you set your mind to, and that hard work pays off. She and I both had to sacrifice during these 6 months, but it was worth it to show her what dedication looks like.
- 24Reviews5CoursesArizona State University (ASU) Bootcamps offer 24-week, part-time courses in cybersecurity, coding, or data analytics, and an 18-week, part-time course in di... Learn more about Arizona State University Bootcamps.Arizona State University (ASU) Bootcamps offer 24-week, part-time courses in cybersecurity, coding, or data analytics, and an 18-week, part-time course in digital marketing. The cybersecurity curriculum offers hands-on training in networking, systems, web technologies, databases and defensive and offensive cybersecurity. Learn more about Arizona State University Bootcamps.Breona Lewis
5Student • Course: Data Analytics - Part-Time • Online
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Says: ASU Data Analytics
How you decided to pursue this career path and what led you to apply to the Boot Camp: Data Analytics was introduced to me by a family member studying in anoth- How you decided to pursue this career path and what led you to apply to the Boot Camp:
- Data Analytics was introduced to me by a family member studying in another state; they mentioned data analytics being relevant to multiple fields which caught my attention. After speaking with an advisor to confirm the facts, I signed up for the Data Analytics program through ASU! Although I was new, the instructions provided helped boost my efforts in the program, and all instructors provided extra help for any learner at any level. My undergraduate degree is in Nutrition & Dietetics, and a dream of mine is to research further into nutrition science. Data Analytics can help me pursue and excel within my career!
- Your experience with the boot camp and your favorite aspect of the program:
- My experience with the boot camp has been nothing short of stellar. Each lecture introduced a new topic that dove deeper in coding. This was also a fast paced program, but the instructional team knew how to teach and navigate the class so that we could all understand and succeed. I was nervous navigating through the program, however I am grateful and excited that I did not give up. Data Analytics will forever be a topic that I enjoy, and the possibilities are endless!
- Any advice you would give to other prospective students:
- If Data Analytics excites you, sign up! This experience provides insight to various activities and provides an immense amount of course study material that will allow any learner to explore and challenge their minds. Car data, microbial data, stock market, medicine, etc; the possibilities are endless.
- 23Reviews3CoursesThe Hacking School offers 13-week full stack web development, 24-week cybersecurity, and 24-week data science at campuses in India and Australia. The Hacking... Learn more about The Hacking School.The Hacking School offers 13-week full stack web development, 24-week cybersecurity, and 24-week data science at campuses in India and Australia. The Hacking School has a long list of hiring partners, and offers career services to students, such as placement assistance. Learn more about The Hacking School.Vaishnavi
5Graduate • Course: Full Stack Web Development (online) • Hyderabad
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Says: Had an amazing experience!
THS is the best place to enhance your coding skills. The whole journey in the Bootcamp was awesome. My instructors Prashanth, Pranish, and Akhil are excellent.THS is the best place to enhance your coding skills. The whole journey in the Bootcamp was awesome. My instructors Prashanth, Pranish, and Akhil are excellent. They will teach you from every basic thing and will make you a professional.The atmosphere is very awesome. They
Motivated me in every way possible to improve myself.
Thanks to the whole team for improving my skills. The Dev Masters
4.8223Reviews3CoursesThe Dev Masters offers a 12-week, full-time course in data science in Irvine, California. Their data science bootcamp, Mastering Applied Data Science, is des... Learn more about The Dev Masters.The Dev Masters offers a 12-week, full-time course in data science in Irvine, California. Their data science bootcamp, Mastering Applied Data Science, is designed to cover the gap between academic learning and technical demand in the job market. Learn more about The Dev Masters.Jieli Chen5Graduate • Course: Mastering Applied Data Science • Los Angeles
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Says: software engineer
I am attending 12-week data science lab program. It is very good. It is not only just a course for learning but a program helping me solving problem and findinI am attending 12-week data science lab program. It is very good. It is not only just a course for learning but a program helping me solving problem and finding the answers of my questions.
4.8222Reviews6CoursesMetana offers self-paced, online bootcamps covering Solidity (24 weeks) and Rust (24 weeks). The bootcamps are project-based and students will finish the cou... Learn more about Metana.Metana offers self-paced, online bootcamps covering Solidity (24 weeks) and Rust (24 weeks). The bootcamps are project-based and students will finish the course with a portfolio to show to potential employers. Metana holds office hours throughout the week and students can receive support from industry professional instructors. Learn more about Metana.Kanan Santin5Student • Course: Web3 Solidity bootcamp (Ethereum Blockchain) • Online
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Says: Life-Changing Experience
Metana is more than just a bootcamp, it's a life-changing experience. You'll not only gain technical skills, but you'll also join a vibrant community and becomeMetana is more than just a bootcamp, it's a life-changing experience. You'll not only gain technical skills, but you'll also join a vibrant community and become part of the exciting Web3 revolution. If you're looking for a career challenge and a chance to make a real impact, Metana is the answer.Board Infinity
4.1522Reviews4CoursesBoard Infinity offers live online bootcamps in Digital Marketing (17 weeks), Sales and Marketing (18 weeks), Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning (1... Learn more about Board Infinity.Board Infinity offers live online bootcamps in Digital Marketing (17 weeks), Sales and Marketing (18 weeks), Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning (16 weeks), Data Science (19 weeks), Full Stack Development (20 weeks), and Software Development (20 weeks). Learn more about Board Infinity.Mansi Santhosh Kulkarni5Student • Course: Digital Marketing • Online
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Says: Feedback of Board Infinity
Excellent learning platformExcellent learning platformCodeSpace
4.921Reviews3CoursesCodeSpace Academy is an internationally recognized, online education institution that specializes in teaching coding and technology skills. Students can choo... Learn more about CodeSpace.CodeSpace Academy is an internationally recognized, online education institution that specializes in teaching coding and technology skills. Students can choose to study part-time for 10 hours per week or full-time for 25-40 hours per week. All students at CodeSpace are taught not only how to code, but how to learn new languages and technologies. All of the programs teach industry-standard technologies and practices so that bootcamp graduates are ready to step into jobs in the tech industry. Learn more about CodeSpace.Nuhr van der schyff5Graduate • Course: Software Development • Cape Town
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I got a job four weeks after graduating. I was assisted in preparing for my interviews and got an interview through CodeSpace's employer network.CodeSpace AcadeI got a job four weeks after graduating. I was assisted in preparing for my interviews and got an interview through CodeSpace's employer network.
CodeSpace Academy’s curriculum and project learning structure are amazing, it helped me so much especially with structure within coding. The lecturers, coding coaches, and facilitators are SUPER amazing, very helpful and always pushing you to be better than before and responsible.- 21Reviews4CoursesUniversity of Kansas Boot Camps are 24-week, part-time web development, data analytics, and cybersecurity courses. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, C... Learn more about KU Boot Camps.University of Kansas Boot Camps are 24-week, part-time web development, data analytics, and cybersecurity courses. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git. Learn more about KU Boot Camps.Javier Morales
5Student • Course: Full Stack Flex - Part-Time • Kansas City
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Says: Wonderful Roller-coaster experience.
"I decided to embark on this course because I like technology and I was drawn to the idea of becoming a software developer. I retired as a classical ballet danc"I decided to embark on this course because I like technology and I was drawn to the idea of becoming a software developer. I retired as a classical ballet dancer after 20 years and decided to completely change my field of study, which required a tremendous emotional storm. However, through methodical study and measured approach, I always stayed present and never got ahead of my own thoughts.
I enjoyed every single challenge, but the biggest one is working accurately in such a short time. A three-hour class may seem long, but I assure you, it's not enough time. You need to always work ahead.
My humble advice to other students: if you are going to do the bootcamp, I can tell you, it is worth the time and effort. There is so much infrastructure around that will help you succeed, but you have to be willing to put in the hours (and endure some mental strain). As a retired ballet dancer who was used to moving and exercising for over 8 hours a day, in terms of mental effort, this bootcamp was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life: and I would do it again if I had to. I enjoyed every second of it." Deep Dive Coding
4.0519Reviews7CoursesDeep Dive Coding teaches data science, internet of things, digital media, web development, and Java+Android bootcamps in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The curricu... Learn more about Deep Dive Coding.Deep Dive Coding teaches data science, internet of things, digital media, web development, and Java+Android bootcamps in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The curriculum is constantly updated so that students learn the latest, most relevant technologies. Students build personal projects as well as a team capstone project during the bootcamp, culminating in a Demo Day with employers and other community members. Learn more about Deep Dive Coding.Tucker5Graduate • Course: Deep Dive .NET • Albuquerque
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Says: Took both the PHP and the .NET
Fantastic crew. Considering they all work for the college (CNM) and that this bootcamp is held to a collegiate standard, there is a certain level of vetting thaFantastic crew. Considering they all work for the college (CNM) and that this bootcamp is held to a collegiate standard, there is a certain level of vetting that takes place that you may not find at other bootcamps. For those taking a bootcamp towards an end-goal, here are my suggestions (please note that I have not taken the Java course)
I suggest the PHP/Fullstack for CS Majors or Wordpress oriented peeps,the .Net for entrepreneurs/startups who want to "spin up" apps with a framework,
and the Java for code-competent professionals that want to up their game, or CS students.
Out of the gates each one will offer jobs at a different availability. Some have a huge gap between the Jr level and the Senior level, and some have a very strong mid-level range but few Jr level. Based on my observation, the PHP or Java course will compliment a CS degree very well; however, PHP offers more jobs than Java, but at a much lower pay bracket (Mostly Wordpress stuff). The irony is that PHP is easy to get into, but has lower paying mid-level availability when compared to Java. If you are code savvy, taking the Java may result in finally being worth decent money, but if you over estimate yourself you may come out of it not quite good enough. As I said, a CS degree would greatly compliment either of these. If you already know wordpress, the PHP course may be a solid bet because you will gain value in the wordpress sector by being able to create plugins, etc. The PHP course also seems to have the most "front-end", design oriented lessons as well.
The .Net is a different story all together. It is part time and is far more "startup" oriented than the other two. It has some CS material, but the gist of the course is how to spin up a project quickly, easily, and it be able to scale. You don't even really need to know how EVERYTHING works (like in a CS degree), but rather how to IMPLEMENT something that works. I would compare this to "Ruby on Rails" but .Net being a much better framework than Rails in the long run. There are also tons of jobs as this is a Microsoft stack and every company and their mother needs more of these devs.
At the end of the day, this is nothing more than my own observation and interpretation, and should not be the deciding factor. Contact the staff, talk to the professors, and you will quickly figure out which one suites you best. Point being, there is a course for anyone.
In regards to my results. I doubled my income after this bootcamp and I was already paid decently well as a Software Tester. My current role is a Software Engineer with the US Govn't. I graduated PHP mid 2017, landed the job Dec, 2017, and took the .Net course after landing the job as my PHP experience wasn't as relevant as C#/.Net, but the transferable CS and fullstack knowledge from the PHP course helped me extensively with landing the role.- 19Reviews1CourseIsrael Tech Challenge offers a range of programs in data science, software development, full-stack web development, hardware engineering and cybersecurity ba... Learn more about Israel Tech Challenge.Israel Tech Challenge offers a range of programs in data science, software development, full-stack web development, hardware engineering and cybersecurity based in Tel Aviv, Israel. ITC aims to open the door for talented professionals to develop their careers in technology while focusing on the most in-demand skills in global tech. Learn more about Israel Tech Challenge.Roman
5Graduate • Tel Aviv
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Says: Recommended but prepare to work hard
Very good school that boosts your technical knowledge and challenges you to be best version of yourself. Data science couse is everything I expected and moreVery good school that boosts your technical knowledge and challenges you to be best version of yourself.
Data science couse is everything I expected and more.