
ThePower Education

Average Rating5.0
43 Reviews
12 Courses

ThePower Education is an online tech platform offering a 36-week, part-time full stack coding bootcamp, RockTheCode. ThePower Education also offers online courses in Business Coding, Data Analytics, Digital Marketing, and more! ThePower Education was launched in 2017 and more than 100K students have mastered their careers through their education system. Many of the school’s alumni are now working in companies like Spotify, EY, Chanel, Vodafone, Sage, or have become entrepreneurs. 

Beginners and experienced professionals are welcome to apply to ThePower Education. No experience is required to apply, but students should be driven to learn new material.

ThePower Education is designed to help students develop and/or level up their technical and business careers. Students will have access to over 250 networking events per year.

ThePower Education offers financing options for qualifying students.

ThePower Education was formerly known as ThePower Business School.

43 ThePower Education Reviews

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  • Andrea Iñigo lara
    Student • ThePowerMBA • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Oct 30, 2023
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    Gran experiencia

    ThePowerMBA: donde la educación se encuentra con la emoción empresarial. 💥💡

    Estudiar un MBA nunca fue tan emocionante. Las lecciones son tan adictivas que me encontré diciendo: “Solo una más antes de dormir”.🌙

    Y, para aquellos momentos en que necesitas inspiración, ¡ThePowerMBA te tiene cubierto! Te inundan con historias inspiradoras y estrategias comerciales inteligentes. ¡Es como tener un mentor 24/7!

    La flexibilidad de estudiar en línea es como tener un boleto...
  • Margarita Hidalgo López
    Generación de Demanda • Graduate • ThePowerMBA + Digital Marketing • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 08, 2023
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    Excelente plan de formación con una técnica  formativa amena, divertida y muy profesional
    Además de haberme  impresionado el cuerpo docente , me han fascinado los grandes GURÚS del sector que han aportado su conocimiento y experiencia.
    He quedado totalmente encantada y con ganas de seguir aprendiendo y avanzando con ellos.

    Gracias !!!!!!
    Marketing Director • Graduate • ThePowerMBA + Digital Marketing • Online
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    Jun 07, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    truly recommended

    I have loved the experience with the power business school, I have been working in the world of marketing and communication for almost 25 years. This program has allowed me to update my knowledge, see many very interesting real cases, and above all, and very importantly, that I have been able to do it little by little at moments that I have been able to reconcile perfectly with my professional and private life. One last good reason is that the price is very reasonable.
    I have done two...
  • Robert Hochberg
    Revenue Manager • Graduate • ThePowerMBA • Online
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    Jun 06, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Excellent and Engaging Program

    I had a great experience in the PowerMBA program. It was something that I looked forward to each day, and I learned so much. I earned my traditional MBA in 2012, so this was a great way to get a solid refresher on all of the key concepts as well learning the current trends in business, marketing, and accounting through the lenses of real and successful businesses. 
  • Elias Daal
    Experiencia • Student • 1) RockTheCode • Online
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    May 29, 2023
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    Una experiencia única con un grupo muy especial el cual está todo el tiempo tratando de mejorar. Sin duda recomiendo para aquella persona que quiere crecer tanto personal como profesionalmente.
  • Paola Sánchez Lorenzo
    Paola Sánchez Lorenzo
    The best decision I've made • Student • 1) RockTheCode • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    May 29, 2023
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    The best decision I've made

    Honestly I started in the Bootcamp with certain doubts because when I started from scratch in the world of programming I was not very clear how to solve the doubts that were arising and if I could count on teachers to my hours of study. But in a few words I am impressed with the love and attention that the whole rockTheCode team puts into their program. I think the name couldn't fit Bootcamp any better. The amount of content on the platform, the teachers that you can solve any doubt that...
  • Ángela Robles
    CMO • Student • 1) RockTheCode • Online
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    May 25, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Great Community

    I knew nothing about coding before and actually I was not sure if this course was for me but they helped me with my insecurities and let me try. I'm really glad that I made this decision. The teachers are awesome and very patience and they provide us with extra material in order to practice by our own. But for me the most valuable thing is the great community they've created. It's very collaborative and it helps being motivated.
  • Beatriz Rodríguez
    Student • 1) RockTheCode • Online
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    May 23, 2023
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    Coding for everyone

    I was not sure if I would be able to learn coding with 40 and such a different profession, but I was! 
    Not improvable teachers, flexibility, community and a continuos improvement are the strengths of the programme.
  • Victoria Rubio Meneses
    Victoria Rubio Meneses
    Student • 1) RockTheCode • Online
    Oct 30, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Mi experiencia ha sido fenomenal.

    Mi experiencia ha sido fenomenal. 
    Estoy estudiando para formarme como Desarrolladora full Stack y el curso ha sido todo lo que esperaba. Siempre buscaba otros programas y todos eran cursos agotadores y con horarios a los que no podía acceder porque coincidía con mi trabajo, pero la facilidad horaria de Rock the Code ha hecho que pueda adaptarme y estudiar a mi ritmo.  
    Dentro de las experiencias en educación que he tenido, esta ha sido la mejor. El temario va evolucionando con las...
  • beatriz martinez
    beatriz martinez
    Student • Online
    Jul 07, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    100% practico con casos reales que no son Coca Cola 😜

    He asistido a múltiples formaciones de MK Digital y en todas me quedaba con la misma sensación : qué fácil es bajar a tierra la teoría con ejemplos y pptos  de Coca Cola, ikea, Iberia…..
    Este bootcamp me está sorprendiendo por justo todo lo contrario; casos reales en los que debemos trabajar de startups y pymes con presupuestos limitados  y todo tipo de modelos de negocio ( sas, leads, ecommerce…) 
    Los profes son unos cracks y a pesar de ser un formato online el seguimiento es muy ...
  • Eduardo Polo Arias
    Eduardo Polo Arias
    Student • 4) The Marketer • Online
    Jul 06, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Formación TOP sin barreras de entrada

    Soy alumno de varios cursos de la escuela y cada cual mejor que el anterior. Empecé con "ThePowerMBA" y nunca esperé encontrar la calidad de clases que ofrecen. Se aprende a ver la empresa y las oportunidades que ofrece el mercado de una forma clara y de manos de profesionales que ya han pasado por esa situación.

    También he cursado el de "50Marketers". En este caso aparte de las clases grabadas hay tambien retos presenciales donde poner en práctica lo aprendido. Ofrece una visión ...
  • Alexis Atienza
    Alexis Atienza
    Student • ThePowerMBA • Online
    Jul 06, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Formación muy flexible que me permitió no tener que parar mi vida laboral

    Formación muy actualizada, profesores con una gran experiencia y metodología flexible. Haces las clases cuando quieras (hay tanto contenido grabado como clases en directo). 
    Tienen un departamento de soporte al alumno espectacular, que resuelven tus dudas en menos de 5 minutos.

ThePower Education Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
All programs include licensing.
Recent ThePower Education News

How much does ThePower Education cost?

ThePower Education costs around €7,000. On the lower end, some ThePower Education courses like PowerSales cost $695.

What courses does ThePower Education teach?

ThePower Education offers courses like 1) RockTheCode, 2) Data Analytics, 3) Business Coding, 4) The Marketer and 8 more.

Where does ThePower Education have campuses?

ThePower Education teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is ThePower Education worth it?

ThePower Education hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 43 ThePower Education alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed ThePower Education on Course Report - you should start there!

Is ThePower Education legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 43 ThePower Education alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed ThePower Education and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Does ThePower Education offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like ThePower Education offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read ThePower Education reviews?

You can read 43 reviews of ThePower Education on Course Report! ThePower Education alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed ThePower Education and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Is ThePower Education accredited?

All programs include licensing.

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